Under the protection of the gods, a relaxed life with slimes in another world begins! One day, the life of middle-aged Japanese businessman Ryoma Takebayashi came to a rather sudden...
Enjoying a slow and leisurely life with slimes, the second volume of the easygoing otherworldly fantasy is here! Ryoma is a boy reborn from another world, who finds himself traveling...
Ever since he left the forest, a boy from another world named Ryoma had been cared for by the duke's family. Rather than take advantage of their generosity, however, he's...
Now that Ryoma has parted ways with the duke's family, it's time for him to begin a new life on his own in the abandoned mine he manages. Assorted issues...
After some unexpected earnings on his first solo journey, Ryoma has opened his second laundromat with his slimes. He safely returns home to Gimul and receives a letter from Eliaria...
Invited by the guildmaster, Ryoma attends a training meetup for new adventurers as one of the teachers. On the second day of the camping lesson at the Poison Bug Plains,...
Ryoma, the boy from another world, takes the opportunity to revisit the Jamil estate, where his fellow merchants Serge and Pioro and a friend’s unexpected marriage are all converging. Ryoma’s happy...
At the Duke’s estate, Ryoma toils away to add his finishing touches to the venue as the wedding fast approaches. The night before the festivities begin, he encounters the mysterious Yui...
Ryoma continues to enjoy his extended time in the fishing villages of Fatoma territory, away from his home base in Gimul. As he streamlines his morning hunts of mad salamanders to...
Slime's up for one recently deceased middle-aged businessman! When the gods reincarnate him in another world as a boy with magical powers, he discovers that magically-tamed slime are an untapped...
After office worker Ryoma Takebayashi dies, three gods ask for his help and reincarnate him as a child in a parallel fantasy world. Ryoma enjoys his slow new life of...
Office worker Ryoma Takebayashi had an unpleasant life and an unlikely death, but the gods of a parallel world reincarnate him as a boy with great magic abilities and all...
Reincarnated as a child in another world, middle-aged Japanese office worker Ryoma Takebayashi is living life to the fullest in the realm of Seilfall and testing his skills in unexpected...
Now that the fantasy of being transported to another world has become his new reality, it's up to former office worker Ryoma to figure out how he wants to make...
In his past life on Earth, Ryoma worked himself to the bone as an employee of an exploitative company. Now, in Seilfall, the former office drone decides to start a...
In his past life on Earth, Ryoma worked himself to the bone as an employee of an exploitative company. Now, in Seilfall, the former office drone decides to start a...
His business retreat a success and with new slimes in tow, Ryoma returns to Gimul. To his dismay, crime has skyrocketed in his absence; even the familiar Morgan Company has come...
Concerned by Gimul’s changing social climate, Ryoma resolves to revive the city and eliminate the mastermind behind the city’s decline, calling on the full strength of his connections to set...
Slime's up for one recently deceased middle-aged businessman! When the gods reincarnate him in another world as a boy with magical powers, he discovers that magically-tamed slime are an untapped...
A Slimy Conspiracy!Ryoma’s life in his new world has been blessed by many encounters with wonderful people, but lately malicious miscreants have been invading his otherwise blissful existence. The laundry...