After arriving in Tokyo to live with her uncle, Suzume collapses in a nearby park where she had once seen a shooting star during the day. A handsome stranger brings...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. She soon realizes she is attracted to her homeroom teacher, Mr. Shishio. Although she tries to deny her feelings,...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. In an unguarded moment, while her teacher, Mr. Shishio, naps in the infirmary, Suzume voices her feelings. But h's...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. She is trying to get over Mr. Shishio, but they unexpectedly end up going to an aquarium together. Suzume...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Although Mr. Shishio seemed interested in her, he suddenly turns cold and acts threatening toward Mamura. Suzume tries to...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. With Mr. Shishio’s true feelings for her out in the open, Suzume tries her best to figure out if...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Suzume and Mr. Shishio take a trip together for the first time. But something weighs heavily on Mr. Shishio’s...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Mr. Shishio’s change of heart causes Suzume to shut herself up in her room. When Suzume's mother returns to...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Spring arrives, and Suzume and her classmates are now second-year students. There’s just one problem—all the first-year girls are...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Mamura’s sudden confession of love leaves Suzume’s head spinning. After spending the entire night agonizing over how to respond...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Mr. Shishio once again declares his love to Suzume, but this time around she can’t find it in her...
Suzume has moved to Tokyo and is living with her uncle. Suzume and Mamura enjoy some much-needed alone time in Okinawa. That is until Suzume spots a guy who looks...