Opposites attract in this new high school yuri manga! Fujishiro Nanaki is super cute, super popular, and super annoyed with anyone as plain as her classmate Kurokawa Kanade. When Nanaki...
TWO GIRLS…ONE PLAIN…THE OTHER STYLISH AND POPULAR! After her makeover, Kurokawa continues her journey to cuteness! Just as her resistance to dressing up begins to fade, Fujishiro invites her to...
TANGLED EMOTIONS The angst stirred up between Fujishiro and Kurokawa by the arrival of transfer student Akazawa Iroha has settled, yet Fujishiro’s feelings are still in turmoil. Will Aoda Izumi’s...
A STORM OF EMOTIONS Ever since hearing Fujishiro express her desire to be Kurokawa's number one, Izumi has been struggling to keep her own feelings bottled up. Will she finally...
MORE THAN FRIENDS? With the school trip over, the girls have returned to their normal school lives…or have they? When Kurokawa runs into a boy she knows from her childhood,...
CONFESSIONS AND CONFUSION Upon realizing what her feelings are for Kurokawa, Fujishiro confesses to her! Kurokawa, however, is taken aback. This isn’t the Fujishiro she knows and admires! What will...