A dark and sexy body-horror action manga perfect for fans of Prison School and High School of the Dead! Shuichi Kagaya is an ordinary high school kid in a boring...
Shuichi's normal life ended when he first transformed into a monster, but meeting the dangerous Claire has sent them both down an even darker path. Now that Claire has discovered...
Shuichi’s solved the first part of the mystery behind his body’s transformation, but now he and Claire find themselves thrust into a world stranger and deadlier than they could’ve imagined....
Shuichi Kagaya an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: He can...
Claire and Shuichi venture into the mountains with their new allies in search of coins, but are they too late? A powerful rival group is out hunting, not just for...
With the revelation of Shuichi’s lost memories comes the identity of their true enemy, Kaito, and the shocking truth behind the events that began the bloodshed. Claire and Shuichi are...
While Shuichi and Claire have been wandering aimlessly and fighting his minions, Kaito’s managed to gather a hundred coins, which means they face an enemy with a terrifying amount of...
After their run-in with Kaito, Shuichi and Claire decide they need answers and try to lure Elena out of hiding. While the plan succeeds, can the two be certain they’ll...
MEMORIES REVEALED Honoka has been made into a brutal monster—a void that threatens to consume everything. Yoshioka and Shuichi, determined to stop this creature and recover the latter’s lost memories,...
ALL OR NOTHING Desperate to revive Honoka after a terrible mistake, Kaito sought power over life and death. What he managed to bring back was not the same gentle-hearted girl...
A DUEL TO THE DEATH Shuichi and Claire thought they were preparing to take the fight to Kaito, but instead, he brought it to them. His minions stormed the school,...
Dark, disturbing, and sexy, this sci-fi action manga that inspired the new anime stars a dominating teenage girl searching for a sister who became a monster, and a submissive boy...
Shuichi Kagaya an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: He can...
Shuichi Kagaya an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: He can...