A manga following Megumi, the antagonist of the classic, genre-shaping magical girl anime!Who can compete with a magical angel? After the sudden appearance of Creamy Mami, Parthenon Productions has all...
SNAKES AND ANGELSTop idol Ayase Megumi’s career is spinning out of control. In an attempt to escape her own personal hell of small-time gigs, she teams up with an old...
FALLEN IDOLS Ayase Megumi has given the young Tachibana Shingo a glimpse of her talent. Through hard work and discipline, she’s getting closer to becoming perfect idol material, surpassing his...
REDEMPTION DENIEDWith Creamy Mami dominating his attention, Shingo has put Megumi on the back burner. In an attempt to smooth things over with her, he invites her out to dinner…but...
Who can compete with a magical angel? After the sudden appearance of Creamy Mami, Parthenon Productions has all but forgotten about Ayase Megumi. But using her jealousy of and burgeoning...
GONE TO THE STARSMegumi is leaving Parthenon for LP! Not only that, but she has disappeared, leaving no clue but the words “I’ll be waiting at the Parasol of Stars.”...
FINAL ACTFilming on a movie written by manager Kidokoro and starring Ayase Megumi has begun! Preparations are moving along, but finding talent to star alongside Megumi is proving a bigger...