THE LIFE AQUATIC! What happens when an intruder from the sea stakes claim to your bathtub? A cool yet demure teenage boy named Tatsumi must learn to live with the...
Mellow and responsible Tatsumi has gotten pretty used to his new roommate — the energetic and needy merman, Wakasa — who has taken what seems like a permanent refuge in...
The ill-fated Tatsumi, who used to live alone, is now the unwitting host to a growing menagerie of undersea creatures. His bathtub has become the abode of the self-indulgent merman,...
A handsome merman named Wakasa has made his home in the bathtub of Tatsumi, a high school student who otherwise lives alone. Their friends gather around the tub to sing...
A handsome merman named Wakasa is living with Tatsumi, a high school student–in his bathtub! Visits from Wakasa’s crazy friends Takasu the octopus, Agari the shark, Mikuni the jellyfish, and...
Rub-a-dub-dub—a merman in a tub! Wakasa the handsome merman is being happily spoiled by Tatsumi, an ordinary high school student, when Echizen the super-sadistic crab pops up to take Wakasa...
CRAFTY SEA CREATURES!Wakasa wants to write a book! Before he can do that, he’s got to master a few rudimentary skills–like learning how to write the word merman. After that,...
Lather, Rinse, Repeat When Wakasa the merman moved into Tatsumi's bathtub, it seemed like the weird sea creature party would never end. But after dealing with time slips, crow battles,...