Yuki is a typical college student, whose world revolves around her friends, social media, and the latest sales. But when a chance encounter on a train leads to her meeting...
The award-winning manga that inspired the anime My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 Sometimes love is like an endgame boss. College student Akane has just been dumped by her boyfriend....
A Cinderella-inspired slow-burn historical romance with a paranormal twist set in Meiji-era Japan! A browbeaten and mistreated daughter is cast out of her home and sent to audition as a...
Aoki has a crush on Hashimoto, the girl in the seat next to him in class. But he despairs when he borrows her eraser and sees she’s written the name...
The beloved shojo tale of one-sided rivalry, revenge, and romance! In elementary school, the rich and spoiled Yanagi Naoto was known for excelling in both studies and sports. But then...
HOME AWAY FROM HOME After her parents leave to care for her ailing grandmother, high schooler Miko “Meeko” Sonoda moves into her uncle’s boarding house. There, she meets its rather...
Fast friends Yuna and Akari are complete opposites—Yuna is an idealist, while Akari is a realist. When lady-killer Rio and the oblivious Kazuomi join their ranks, love and friendship become...
Basketball players. Bad boys who aren’t really bad boys. Roommates. Senpai-kouhai BL romance. It all started when Kagiura moved into the school dorms with what seemed to be a bad-boy...
She's a professional hitman. And he...is also a professional hitman. And she's his target. Caught in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, will she fall first...or will he? Series Information Learn...
Little did Nao Kogure realize back in middle school that when she left an umbrella and a box of bandages in the rain for injured delinquent Taiga Onise that she...
THE AWAKENING High schooler Tetsu Misato is hardworking, frugal, and easily scared, but he commits to a part-time job at the mansion on the hill—the one that’s rumored to be...
Colette, an overworked apothecary, finds romance and a new lease on life—in the underworld!!When exhausted workaholic apothecary Colette jumps into a well, instead of dying she finds herself caring for...
High school freshman Ranko Haruno’s sole desire in life is to keep her head down and just get by with as little human interaction as possible. It’s working well, until...
Takeo Goda is a giant guy with a giant heart. Too bad the girls don’t want him! (They want his good-looking best friend, Sunakawa.) Used to being on the sidelines,...
Love in the time of COVID-19? This new series pits the the crushes, nostalgia, and friendship of shojo manga against a crushing pandemic. Can it be that a determined high...
“I want a boyfriend too!” Mai, who has no skill talking to boys and less experience with love, meets Kei Kurose when she starts high school, but the wrong sort...
An LGBT+ romantic comedy in which nobody is quite what they seem, and everyone learns to be who they truly are. It’s a familiar story: a popular high school student...
The bud of bittersweet first love takes bloom! A mysterious boy comes to Saku Fujigaya's rescue when she falls ill on a train, but he leaves before she can thank...
Meet Amane Mizuno a girl with fierce sanpaku eyes and a pure heart! She has recently fallen for a boy named Katou, who has the exact opposite attitude! Will the...
Also known as Tsurezure Biyori, a touching yuri series about two girls falling in love in the Japanese countryside.As children, Koharu and Mafuyu were best buds until Mafuyu moved away...