A lighthearted manga series about a quirky elf from another world who’s fascinated by video games–and the local girls who have to deal with her.Koganei Koito works as the teenage...
FROM WARLORDS TO WARGAMES!The elf of Takamimi Shrine is a layabout geek, but once upon a time she was summoned by the great shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu! Ancient history collides with...
Warm memories and icy treats!Elda is an elf who was summoned five hundred years ago by Tokugawa Ieyasu, but now she’s a serious shut-in. To entertain herself, Elda delights in...
WITH A LITTLE ELF FROM MY FRIENDSWhen a shrine’s deity is a total shut-in who plays games all day and her miko is a girl too mature for her age,...
ON YOUR MARK...READY, SET, BOW!With the Yumimimi Festival quickly approaching, preparations have the shrine and town in a flurry. One particular shut-in elf and her quick-to-mature miko are hoping to...
Koganei Koito works as the teenage shrine maiden at the Takamimi Shrine, catering to the whims of its resident: a centuries-old elf who loves video games as much as she...
CAMPING & CAFESAt the historic Takamimi Shrine, Elda’s quiet and comfortable days continue. Along with her miko Koganei, they allow pursuits like intricate puzzles, magic tricks, and art to fill...
A HAGGLIN' SUSHI-HANKERIN' OTAKU?!The miko Koganei drags her elf, Elda, out to the Tokyo fish market of Toyosu! Delicious sushi awaits, but they’ll have to get up early and haggle...