When Nanakorobi Nene, a cybernetically-enhanced girl-next-door, heads to the island metropolis of Cenancle to live with her aunt, she has no way of knowing what’s in store for her. A...
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE!Things are tense on the island of Cenancle, where a powerful machine called Buer has been wreaking havoc underground. All that stands in its way are...
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!Nene and Clarion have settled in with Nene’s aunt Takumi, a reclusive genius with an interest in Nene’s education-and in what makes Clarion tick. As for Nene, she...
CYBER WAR & PEACEThe planet is in a constant state of tumult. As rival countries vie for power and resources while racing to create the latest technological breakthroughs, robots and...
Ever since the massive multi-legged boring machine, Buer, rocked the island of Cenacle, many have sought its destructive power. Although Buer is now deep underground, Colonel Kurtz is determined to...
DANGER FROM BELOW!The massive multi-legged boring machine Buer is now deep underground, but that doesn’t stop the American Empire from trying to retreive it and throwing Centacle Island into chaos....
UNITED WE STAND!Not long after Nene and Clarion have been safely reunied, they’re confronted by Colonel Kurtz’s terrifying combat android, Fear! While they’re distracted, Kurtz himself breaks through the powerful...
PEACE AT LAST?The fight is over – to all appearances, at least! Nene and Clarion have finally thwarted both Kurtz and the conspiracy headed by Poseidon, the mysterious organization backing...
LAST SUPPERBunny-san continues to have the worst luck ever. Stuck in a top-secret facility, captured by mysterious robots, and handcuffed, it is looking less and less certain that she’ll be...
IT’S A ZOO IN THERE!Nene and Clarion are off to take a tour of…a farm?! It might be a dystopic nightmare filled with vats of meat, but at least it...
DOUBLE TROUBLE!Nene and Clarion are having a nice night out when they’re attacked–by Clarion’s twin sister?! Phobos might look like Clarion, but she has her own secret agenda…and her own...
FULL HOUSE!Nene and Clarion have a new housemate: Clarion’s mysterious twin, Phobos! While Clarion is still wary of her strange sister, Nene is just happy to have a new friend!...
BEACH BREAK!Captain Robert Altman, last seen facing off against Poseidon’s battle robot, Caduceus, has disappeared! Was he killed? Or does Poseidon have something even more sinister in store for him?...
MARINE MISCHIEF!While exploring Korobase Hotel’s private beach, Nene meets a young woman in virtual space who’s learning to use a full-body prosthetic…though not a human one! Elsewhere, Proselpina learns of...
POSEIDON ON THE PRECIPICE! The secret society Poseidon is finally ready to execute the Apollo Seed Project, even if it makes them enemies of the entire world! And they aren't...
CLARION VS. PHOBOS! Sisters slug it out as the tragic final battle takes center stage in grand fashion. Not only that, but the cruel fate they share is revealed at...
SISTERS IN ARMSThe secret society Poseidon has officially launched Operation Third Lightning, and danger looms over the island of Cenancle. Meanwhile, in order to stop the battle between Clarion and...
BLESS THIS IMMUNITY!Now that the Bydo virus has been removed from Phobos’s system—and with it, Labrys’s brainwashing—Phobos faces Clarion again to try and regain the peaceful life she once had....
TAKUMI IN TROUBLE!It’s an all-out war across the island of Cenancle. Takumi’s been unknowingly infected with the Bydo virus, Labrys—Poseidon’s senior executive—has joined the fight herself, and Robert Altman is...
WHERE DUTY ENDS AND DEVOTION BEGINS Poseidon Senior Executive Labrys reveals the full scope of the Apollo Seed Project and, in the process, attempts to recruit Robert Altman into the...