
Smokin' Parade

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 01


Youkou lives in a future where organ transplants are common and available to all, but life's not as idyllic as it seems--it turns out a nefarious organization is using that...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 02


Armed with Gears--superpowered battle-ready prosthetics--Youkou has joined the Jackalopes in their fight against the monsters known as "Spiders." Humans transformed as a side effect of their own Amenotori-supplied transplants, the...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 03


Under Shiba's leadership, the Jackalopes launch a surprise attack against the Amenotori Manufacturing Facility, where the Shikagura are undergoing maintenance. Every one of the Jackalopes' moves has been carefully informed...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 04


After the Shikagura's deadly attack, the Jackalopes are more driven than ever to flush out the Spiders. The horror of seeing normal humans transformed into monsters is made even more...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 05


Amenotori has pitted friend against friend and brother against sister, and its crimes have taken a toll on the Jackalopes, both mentally and physically. But the Shikagura were just a...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 06


When they were sent to the Jackalopes' northern base, Youkou and Kotoharu had no idea they would be confronted by the most monstrous, massive spider they'd ever encountered. The "Lord,"...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 07


Unable to join the fight against the Spiders, the children of the Dome have been hitting the books instead! Now Bold Bolt's smallest members have worked out a strategy for...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 08


A new, debilitating illness has brought society to a standstill as nations across the globe scramble to find a cure. But, wonder of wonders, a treatment has just been developed...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 09


As Amenotori’s fabricated Spider pandemic grips the globe, the Jackalopes focus on the very heart of the organization. Despite Amenotori’s attention and resources being spread worldwide, however, the organization has...

Smokin' Parade (Manga) Vol. 10


On a misguided quest to “free” humanity of its inhibitions, the head of Amenotori has initiated a Spider pandemic that threatens to destroy the world. The Jackalopes are on the...

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