Lonely thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is stuck in a dead-end job, unhappy with his mundane life, but after dying at the hands of a robber, he awakens to a fresh start...
37-year-old Satoru Mikami got a new lease on life when he was reincarnated into another world...as a slime named Rimuru Tempest. But with the help of his wits, his newfound...
TIMES ARE CHANGING FOR THE WORLD!After a furious battle with the orc lord, peace has once again returned to the Forest of Jura. Rimuru may be heading up the Great...
NO REST FOR A NATION-BUILDING SLIME!Now that Rimuru's monster-centric town has blossomed into a bona fide independent nation, it's time for his next step: build and maintain diplomatic relations with...
WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS!Despite Rimuru's absence, things seem to be proceeding fairly smoothly in the newborn nation of Tempest. But there's trouble brewing elsewhere: The nearby Kingdom of Farmus's...
A meeting of demonic minds!Newly minted demon lord Rimuru has received word of a special assembly of all ten demon lords known as the Walpurgis Council. It just so happens...
A gutsy glob in crisis!News of the demon lord Clayman's defeat by Rimuru shakes the Holy Empire of Lubelius to its core-especially since the chief knight of the nation's Imperial...
Let the good times roll!It's festival time in Tempest, and this demon slime knows how to throw a party! After reconciling with Hinata and the Western Holy Church, Rimuru's pulling...
AN EVENT OF MONSTROUS PROPORTIONS!The Tempest Founder's Festival is in full swing, with Rimuru and all the monsters under him keeping busy setting up the attractions. From live concerts to...
AN INSATIABLE GREEDThe Tempest Founder’s Festival was a roaring success, and after working out a few kinks, the Advanced Dungeon is proving to be a major Tempest tourist attraction. Now...
As players of Monster Hunter and Dungeons & Dragons know, the slime is not exactly the king of the fantasy monsters. So when a 37-year-old Tokyo salaryman dies and wakes up in a world...
While looking for craftsmen in the Dwarven Kingdom, Rimuru and his friends find themselves stuck in a mess with a powerful minister. Now they’re caught in a trial where they...
After taking on the will and form of the Conqueror of Flames, Rimuru gains new, incredible skills and continues his journey to improve the conditions of his subordinates. But before...
A living disaster in the form of an Orc Lord and his 200,000-strong force of monsters threatens the residents of the Great Forest of Jura. In response, Treyni the dryad,...
After laying waste to the orcish forces that threatened the Forest of Jura, Rimuru’s group now faces Gelmud and the dreaded orc lord. And with some encouragement from Gelmud, the...
A new arc begins! After the defeat of the Orc Lord, Rimuru is now the chancellor of the Jura Forest Alliance. With more companions than ever, his profile within the...
Milim is now a resident of Tempest, but her presence there sets off a chain of events that begins with the entrance of a rival demon lord’s servants. Rimuru, as...
After his humiliating defeat at the hands of Milim, Demon Lord Carrion’s follower Phobio seethes with anger. His negative emotions make him a perfect vessel for the legendary Charybdis, so...
At the suggestion of Demon Lord Carrion, Tempest and Eurazania have sent delegations to each other in the hopes of finding fruitful exchange. Benimaru leads the mission from Tempest, and...