Dracula meets manga in this surreally beautiful and chilling retelling of Bram Stoker's quintessential horror classic. In this beautiful, evocative, and often surreal retelling of Dracula, a fearsome enemy comes from the...
Dracula meets manga in this surreally beautiful and chilling retelling of Bram Stoker's quintessential horror classic. In this beautiful, evocative, and often surreal retelling of Dracula, a fearsome enemy comes from the...
With Lucy’s life hanging in the balance, tempers flare and tensions rise as Arthur, Quincey, Joe, and Mina struggle to decide who is best suited to offer aid to their...
The nature of time, reality, and fantasy intertwine as Jonathan Harker’s ill-fated journey to meet with Count Dracula begins. Traveling through strange, foreign lands, a young boy will confront horrors...