The iconic Boys' Love/BL manga is back! The inspiration for the popular anime of the same name, Seven Seas presents this romantic comedy of a rockstar and his novelist boyfriend...
ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND MUSIC!Bad Luck finally makes its debut! Shuichi is tempted to declare his love for Yuki onstage, but Shuichi’s rival, Aizawa Taki, threatens to expose...
IDOLS AND RIVALS GO HEAD-TO-HEAD!A battle for the top of the Billboard charts pits Shuichi against his favorite idol, Sakuma Ryuichi—now his biggest rival! As the spotlight intensifies and tensions...
HAS SHUICHI’S LUCK RUN OUT?Bad Luck shoots to the top of the charts, Shuichi and Yuki’s relationship heats up, and Yuki’s popularity booms! Shuichi is on cloud nine, but not...
LOVE IN THE CONCRETE JUNGLES OF NEW YORK!Shuichi has been whisked away to none other than the United States! His relationship with Yuki now in shambles, Shuichi decides to make...