Not Your Average “Boy Meets Girl”!Honor student Maruka Suzuki hides a dark secret and a death wish. She knows the world is full of monsters disguised as adults, and she’s...
Maruka has fallen in love at first sight with Mochizuki, a rabbit-shaped monster known as a Groan-Up. The two are recruited into the Academy Game, an app where players compete...
During a decisive battle, Maruka’s rabbit-shaped boyfriend, Mochizuki, met his end, and now Maruka is on a spiral of self-destruction. Lured in by Gaku Saitou’s tempting words, she forms an...
Academy Game mastermind, Gaku Saitou, has fallen for Maruka. His forbidden love transforms him into a Groan-Up befitting of his true nature…and sends him on a rampage destroying everyone and...