A high-speed Turbo Duel through the streets of Satellite brings Yusei Fudo and his friend Sect face-to-face with an urban legend incarnate! Will Yusei lose Sect to the Skeleton Knight?...
Yusei enters the D1 Grand Prix, hoping for a chance to duel Jack Atlas. There are new rivals and new duels to fight and the competition will be fierce. Can...
Yusei has made it into the second round of the D1 Grand Prix, but his friend Sect has made a dark pact with the ominous Skeleton Knight in exchange for...
Yusei has defeated the twins Luna and Leo, but they promise him a rematch in Satellite city. On the way to Satellite, Yusei meets Rex Goodwin, who wants Yusei’s help...
Kalin’s handless combo Type Zero has Jack backed into a corner! However, the King just might have a secret plan for victory. Meanwhile, the Skeleton Knight appears and tells Yusei...
Goodwin’s plan to revive the Ultimate God moves forward as he sets up a match between Akiza and Sect that mirrors a fateful duel five thousand years ago! Yusei has...
Rex Goodwin and Jack Atlas reach the end of their epic duel, and Goodwin demonstrates his ancient power. Elsewhere, Crow Hogan has released the other Duelists sealed by Lazar, but...
Yusei and Sect continue their epic duel in Aerial Fortress Seibal. As Sect unleashes a powerful attack, he tells Yusei the Ultimate God is about to return to life. If...
Yusei and Goodwin are locked in their final Duel. Having now harnessed the power of the Ultimate God, Goodwin can turn Yusei’s Duel Dragons against him. The assault may be...