Storm fairy is a collection of three short stories by legendary mangaka Osamu Tezuka. In Storm Fairy , an empress flees her burning castle to the nearby forest where she...
A man from the slums faces his doppelganger from the other side of the tracks; three guests visiting a hot spring are reminded of their past sins by a magical...
Volume 2 (The Cult Known as Jehova's Witnesses - Part 2 of 2) Tamosan believed in the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses for 25 years,after her mother first brought the...
Volume 1 (The Cult Known as Jehova's Witnesses - Part 1 of 2) Tamosan believed in the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses for 25 years, after her mother first brought...
From the legendary creator Osamu Tezuka comes an anthology of psychological thrillers that are sure to drive a chill down your spine. A woman spurned by her lover, presented with...
From science fiction, historical fiction, to contemporary drama, Under the Air includes a variety of tales that depict the duality of man―good and evil; loving and violent. An injured white-supremacist...
It's safe to call them opposites. Noda is a noncommittal playboy, while Tomosaka is the caring, sensitive type. Still, they have been best friends for the longest time.But when an...