See what happens when evolution pits humans against one another and changes them into something monstrous in this action-packed, horror-filled manga! In a world where human evolution has reached new...
Bookseller's note: This title is originally called "Let Me See the Real You, Senpai!" but due to the system's nature to separate titles with commas, we're removing the comma here....
A demon who yearns for the human world gets her wish but finds that danger will always follow close behind. In the Holy Kingdom of Talitelud, the second prince welcomes...
A sweet Boys’ Love manga series about falling in love over and over again, even after a decade of being together! From the creator of 5 Seconds Before a Witch Falls...
Bookseller's note: This title is originally called "Don’t Hold Back, Lord Hades" but due to the system's nature to separate titles with commas, we're removing the comma here. A steamy...
Don’t miss this manga adaptation of the exciting light novel series set in the same universe as I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! Ever since she saw Count Banfield...
When one prince seeks to defeat the Demon King, he discovers that the demon is actually a huge wimp! A Boys’ Love enemies to lovers manga with a romcom twist....
Two men are thrust into a competition for fatherhood that neither of them is sure they really want. But when they’re all forced to live together, thoughts and feelings may...
A doctor at rock bottom finds himself entangled with a handsome yakuza who helps ease his sorrows with a night of passion. Is this relationship just what the doctor ordered...
The world’s only male knight fights for his honor—and his chastity—in this isekai gender-bending adventure! And don’t miss out on the light novel–also available from Seven Seas. Reborn from modern...
The world’s only male knight fights for his honor—and his chastity—in this isekai gender-bending adventure! And don’t miss out on the light novel–also available from Seven Seas. Reborn from modern...
The beloved Boys’ Love hit that inspired a live-action series returns with an all-new collection of short stories! Yutaka and Minoru have gone from friends to lovers, and made a...
Don’t miss this tale of star-crossed lovers—with a modern, supernatural twist! High schooler Yamada Seina is all alone in the world, but somehow she manages to stay upbeat, even as...
Fighting Kaiju with Kaiju! To take down the ferocious monsters attacking Japan, one pilot takes a chance on a secret weapon. Japan has been devastated by attacks from giant monsters!...