After becoming King of Talosheim, Vandal successfully defeated the invasion of his city by an Imperial expedition army. The force was led by Goldan and Raily, two of those who...
In this follow-up to the best-selling The Anime Chef Cookbook, immerse yourself in anime worlds and Japan's café culture through 50 favorite anime foods that are easy to make, fun, and delicious.Food...
“I’ll do anything to save him. Anything.” Greater duchies, the Sovereignty, the royal family, even the gods themselves—Rozemyne will take on anyone in her quest to rescue Ferdinand. She uses...
Ferdinand senses danger on the horizon. Dark clouds hang over him, twisting and turning into a dense miasma of unease. Meanwhile, Rozemyne prepares for winter, conscious that her move to...
The Archduke Conference is over, and Ehrenfest’s archducal family is still reeling from fresh troubles. As if a surprising ceremony and the Sovereign temple’s schemes weren’t enough, Rozemyne has one...
A frigid winter melts away to reveal spring celebrations Rozemyne is given a harsh choice to make upon her return to Ehrenfest. The Leisegangs are now the dominant power after...
Bookseller's note: This is the second volume of the Crown Princess' Betrothed series, which is the fifth volume overall by release. ENEMY AT THE GATESBeing the fiancée of a prince...
TWO PEOPLE, THREE HEARTS!It's been months now, and Zero still hasn't shown himself out of fear that he'll ruin the relationship between Hinako and his dominant personality, Seiya. That's when...
ONE MAN. TWO SIDES. BOTH IRREPLACEABLE...Hinako's fiancé Seiya is a total sweetheart and a great cook—except when his sadistic alter ego Zero comes out to play! But now that Seiya...
RELATIONSHIP ROLLERCOASTERWhat will happen to the twisted affair between a female alpha and a male omega? Oukami Ako and Ohkami Ichirou are headed to an amusement park for a double...
Monko, still recovering from her encounter with the hunky Manji, has been captured by Thunder Eagle and his band of Sand Spider tamers. The nomads travel the badlands protecting their...
Mimi and Ibuki have advanced to the evaluation stage of the new pop idol audition. The first evaluation is a ranking based on the candidates’ assessments of each other, and...
They’re touching each other?! Are they really just best friends? Or is their relationship something much deeper?The story of two inexperienced virgins, and the affection between them, is about to...
THE PAST PROVIDES FOR THE FUTURE!With Fia acknowledged as the reincarnation of the Great Saint, the Knight Brigade achieved Captain Cyril’s long-held wish of reconciliation with the people of Sutherland....
Blue Lock Phase Two: Neo Egotist League has begun!! In Bastard München’s match against Spain’s FC Barcha, Isagi is astonished to see Bachira’s new and improved play style in action....
At a young age, Aia Utagawa was scouted as a model, but his real ambition is to become a makeup artist. But, even as the end of high school approaches,...
A PROMISE AND A CURSE“Promise me you’ll always be a good older brother to her, okay?” Misao Tsukinoki clung to these words from her late mother, looking to her older...