Following his transmigration, during which he bartered away his memories in exchange for rare and powerful skills, Kelvin is fully enjoying his new life as an adventurer. After making a...
Ever since arriving in a new world with overpowered abilities―at the cost of his memories―Kelvin has steadily gathered one powerful ally after another. But now, the threat of a demon...
After being summoned to another world and passed over for a power known as the Gift, Yogiri Takatou and Tomochika Dannoura set out on a journey to reunite with the...
After their entire class was transported to another world, Yogiri Takatou and Tomochika Dannoura were abandoned when it was discovered they had failed to receive the Gift, a special power...
With the fraudulent Demon King’s trap foiled, peace has been restored...for now. Anos, however, is still none the wiser about his opponent’s greater scheme. Speaking of schemes, the Demon Sword...
It was supposed to be a lovely banquet that the reincarnated Inglis was invited to, but after crossing an old rival’s newfound authority as a Highlander, things took a turn...
“Fight the strong and win―if you can’t do that, you’re a weakling!” A boy finds himself in a strange place, with no memory of his past. His name is Kelvin,...
How is “No-life Gamers” as a party name?! The Academy City arc starts off with a bang! After leaving the service of House Granvelle, Allen enrolls in the Academy together...
A new adventure awaits Allen as he enters the service of a noble! After climbing up the social ladder from serf to manservant, Allen now finds himself dragged around by...
"'Level up even while offline’?! That’s not a game on ‘easy mode’―that’s just an AFK game!” The online game Yamada Kenichi had been playing religiously is shutting down its servers,...
A reborn beauty is already turning heads at school! The old Hero-King Inglis was thrown far into the future, reborn as a beautiful girl. Now, together with Rafinha, her lifelong...
Tired of ceaseless war destroying humans, spirits, and demons alike, the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad, reincarnates to restore peace. Two thousand years have passed...but who could have known...
Hero-King Inglis’s last wish is to live again as a warrior. But when he awakens, he realizes he’s been reborn as a girl to a noble family! When she’s rejected...
Waking up in a strange new place with no memory of his past life, Kelvin learns that he’s bartered away those very memories in exchange for powerful new abilities during...
Hero-King Inglis’s last wish is to live again as a warrior. After being reborn as a girl and getting rejected from the knighthood, she sets out to be the most...