The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency Over a decade before the events of the manga series, a chance encounter leads professional bodyguard Yukichi Fukuzawa to begrudgingly take an arrogant...
DEAD APPLE An unexplained spate of suicides by skill users worldwide has sent the Armed Detective Agency on a search for Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, a mysterious skill user who may be...
It's time to take back Jeju Island! After multiple failures to recover the island from the S-rank ant-type magic beasts that swarmed the island, the South Korean and Japanese Hunter's...
When Jinwoo gets his rank reevaluated, the results are even better than he could have dreamed of...but more importantly, a chance to heal his mother from her strange illness falls...
BEAST What if the Port Mafia’s attack dog, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, had joined the Armed Detective Agency? Likewise, what if Atsushi Nakajima belonged to the Port Mafia? In the parallel universe...
Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era Before he joined the Armed Detective Agency, Osamu Dazai was the youngest-ever executive with the Port Mafia, the most notorious underground crime syndicate in...
They were in the midst of youth, even on the battlefield... Shin, Lena, and their friends experience brief moments of peace and happiness while facing certain death, enjoying a short...
Dazai, Chuya at Fifteen Years Old Not long after Ougai Mori takes the reins of the Port Mafia, his accomplice Osamu Dazai has a dreadful run in with Chuuya Nakahara,...
On the way back from Kiyoka’s parents’ villa, he and Miyo narrowly escape an ambush at the hands of an assailant who refers to Miyo as their “daughter.” So, in...
After months of staying at her fiancé’s side, Miyo is finally invited to the Kudou family estate to meet her in-laws. Far from receiving a warm welcome, however, she quickly...
After the Gifted Communion stages an operation in the Imperial Capital, crown prince Takaihito proposes that Miyo and Kiyoka start living in the Imperial Palace. There, Miyo finally realizes that...
After escaping her abusive family and restarting her education, Miyo thought she would spend the rest of her days as Kiyoka's fiancée in peace. But when horrible visions begin to...
Hachiman Hikigaya is a cynic. "Youth" is a crock, he believes--a sucker's game, an illusion woven from failure and hypocrisy. But when he turns in an essay for a school...
HER LAST STAND… After Naoshi Usui takes over the military and imprisons Kiyoka on false charges, Miyo takes it upon herself to save her fiancé. However, just before Miyo rushes...
Masachika Kuse sits next to Arya, a girl of Russian and Japanese descent, and while she is an exceptional student and Masachika is known for being a slacker, the two...
Jinwoo’s received some amazing gifts from the system, but the latest one might prove to be the greatest one yet-a key to the double dungeon where it all started. Perhaps...
Out of sight, out of mind! Bunny girls do not live in libraries. This is simply common sense. And yet, that's exactly where Sakuta finds one in the wild. More...
AN EVENT OF MONSTROUS PROPORTIONS!The Tempest Founder's Festival is in full swing, with Rimuru and all the monsters under him keeping busy setting up the attractions. From live concerts to...
With the battle between the Monarchs and the Rulers quickly approaching, Jinwoo must rally the international community against this oncoming threat! Though he wields unimaginable power, he’s acutely aware that...
“I’m going to live for myself!” The greatest assassin on Earth knew only how to live as a tool for his employers—until they stopped letting him live. Reborn by the...