BEAST What if the Port Mafia’s attack dog, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, had joined the Armed Detective Agency? Likewise, what if Atsushi Nakajima belonged to the Port Mafia? In the parallel universe...
Dazai, Chuya at Fifteen Years Old Not long after Ougai Mori takes the reins of the Port Mafia, his accomplice Osamu Dazai has a dreadful run in with Chuuya Nakahara,...
It’s been roughly one year since Chuya Nakahara joined the Port Mafia, and he’s got his sights set on an executive position. But as he makes plans to move up,...
Young, hungry, and homeless, the orphan Atsushi Nakajima’s hard knock life turns around when he meets Osamu Dazai, a peculiar man who’s part of a group of detectives with special...
Yukito Ayatsuji, a brilliant investigator known as the Homicide Detective, has a skill so deadly that he is assigned a minder― rookie Special Division for Unusual Powers agent Mizuki Tsujimura―to...
The cutthroat school drama light novels that inspired an anime!Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom—if they can win, barter, or save enough...
THE RELUCTANT WITNESS Class D has conquered the midterms, but their celebration is cut short when three Class C students falsely accuse Sudou of assaulting them! With their friend facing...
CRUISING FOR A BRUISING Having survived their final exams, Ayanokouji and the others are looking forward to an idyllic school-sponsored summer vacation aboard a cruise ship. But nothing is ever...
SIGNS OF TROUBLE The second half of the special summer test finds the students duking it out aboard a luxurious cruise ship. Divided into twelve groups patterned after the signs...
MISTLETOE AND MACHINATIONS School may be on vacation, but the scheming never stops! Christmas draws near, and Karuizawa and Satou compete for Ayanokouji’s affections while new student council president Nagumo...
THE MANY CRIMES OF ICHINOSE HONAMI Sakayanagi puts her plan to crush Ichinose into motion, spreading rumors of her alleged war criminal history through the school like wildfire. With Class...
Popularity Contest It's spring, and for the first time in the school's history, no one has been expelled after the third semester exams. As a result, the Advanced Nurturing High...
CHECKMATEStill reeling from the shock of their first expulsion, the first-years head into the last special exam of the year–a seven-event gauntlet that sees Class A facing off against Class...
KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSEDespite the school’s tampering, Class C made it through the special exam without anyone being expelled. Now, they face the final event of their first year—the graduation...
In this direct sequel series to the cutthroat school drama that inspired an anime and manga adaptation (also from Seven Seas), the students' second year begins--and the stakes are as...
THIS ISLAND’S NO PARADISEThe special exam on an uninhabited island has begun! For two weeks, students will do their best to visit checkpoints and complete challenges to gain points with...
As the second semester begins, two additional events are announced: the school’s sports festival and its first-ever cultural festival! But before these two can kick off, an unexpected special exam...
A CLASS CRACKS UNDER PRESSUREThe results of the Unanimous Special Exam weigh heavily on Ayanokouji's class. Kushida, Hasebe, and Wang haven't come to school in days. But time marches on,...
A TALE OF TWO CAFÉSIt’s time for the school’s first-ever Cultural Festival! Some refuse to participate, but the rest of Ayanokouji’s class secretly works to build the maid café of...
Twenty-nine year old Satou just closed his eyes for a brief nap at work, but when he opened them, he found himself in a game-like alternate world. Fortunately, thanks to...