The basis for the beloved anime about a restaurant that welcomes fantasy creatures to dine!In Tokyo lies a small restaurant called “Western Cuisine Nekoya,” ordinary in every way—save one. Every...
THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT“Western Cuisine Nekoya” has acquired a peculiar new employee in the form of a young demon girl named Aletta, a denizen of the other world. But...
THE CULINARY ADVENTURES CONTINUEBehind a magical door that connects our world to another is a strange little restaurant known as “Western Cuisine Nekoya,” which serves up an array of delicious...
TWO WORLDS–ONE RESTAURANT!A lonely woman from a faraway world. A lonely man returning from a faraway continent. A fated meeting between hunter and chef that gave rise to an unlikely...
NEW NAME, SAME RESTAURANTFor 30 long years, Western Cuisine Nekoya has served delicious food and drink to customers across two worlds. But now, as the Master finally inherits full control...
The basis for the beloved anime about a restaurant that welcomes fantasy creatures to dine!In Tokyo lies a small restaurant called “Western Cuisine Nekoya,” ordinary in every way—save one. Every...