The digital hit samurai epic comes to print in 2-in-1 omnibuses! This historical action manga follows a Japanese warrior's journey to Europe in search of vengeance, at the height of...
For readers who love over-the-top action and adventure, this global phenomenon WEBTOON comic from the creator of Lookism follows the story of Hobin Yu, who rises from the bottom of his school...
A cute and quirky slice-of-life manga about four women who are roommates.What is considered "normal" for a 30 year old? Should she be married, have a carreer, live independently...?Shuko Maeda,...
One of the most acclaimed and influential comics of all time, with the original Japanese art and right-to-left reading format, now available in single-volume, collectible hardcovers!Katsuhiro Otomo’s AKIRA, the dystopian, science...
Here's the sweet, bloody yakuza love story we've all been waiting for! Nezumi was raised by the mob to be an emotionless killing machine, but a chance encounter in an...
Love is a brutal battle between vanity and desire.Amidst the dark glamor of host club Velvet Kiss, Juri—also called Juliet—commands a vice-like grip on the number one position. Impressed by...
A quirky, sweet BL romance that’ll have you turning the page at full throttle! Chiba’s kind manner, clear guidance, and pretty face easily make him the favorite instructor of every female...
In a sleepy countryside church, Chloe plays the part of a prim and naïve novice, studying to become a priestess. But when night falls, she sneaks out in disguise to...
Shy, mousy Sakura Akutsu is content to keep her adventures confined to the pages of her notebook—until the brash, outgoing new transfer student Tsubame Hiiragi gets her hands on it,...
Sheeta and Nala live happily inside a hollowed-out log with their fellow “littlefolk,” who stand no taller than a blade of grass. When Nala runs off one day to investigate...
Get ready to meet the lovable cast of Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun as you’ve never seen them before!In this brand-new spinoff of the runaway hit series, Iruma is a dirt-poor but...
A collection of heartwarming sci-fi stories that took X (formerly Twitter) by storm! An android that has completed its original mission. A baby that was abandoned in a war-torn city....
A story of enduring love, even in death, between a reaper whose existence has been affirmed for the first time, and a girl whose existence has never been affirmed by...
A world of adventure awaits in this stunning rendition of the beloved classic video game series Dragon Quest! Many years have passed since the legendary hero Erdrick and his companions defeated...
In this fantastical tale of demonic battles and courtly intrigue, the onmyoji known as the “Heretic” faces a destiny that could forever change both human and demon worlds! In an...
Your favorite hololive VTubers like you’ve never seen them before! In an alternate reality just a short hop away from our own, partners Shirakami Fubuki and Ookami Mio defend the peace of Yamato, a land where humans and mythical...