Faced with the harsh reality of the world around her, Mitsui falls into despair. Yet in the midst of her internal struggle, she discovers an extraordinary new ability―the power to...
We uncovered the mystery of Siesta’s death, but that doesn’t mean an end to the excitement! This time Saikawa’s asking me, Kimihiko Kimizuka, to be her idol producer—all while Bat...
Bell, Haruhime, and even Bheara Familia are united by a common goal—they don’t want to lose Tarvi, who’s become so special to them all. But first, they’ll have to take...
Aileen d’Autriche successfully avoided her bad ending, so now, all that awaits is a good ending with the Demon King Claude...right? Between trying to win the approval of in-laws and...
Just when it seems like everything will be all hunky-dory and they’ll get along just fine as a family, Fusako finds out that Kudou’s been keeping secrets―namely the truth about...
Mizuki is trapped in a crumbling mansion, bereft of memories except for the time she spent with Adam. Hotaru and her friends have been working from her fragmentary recollections to...
Just as Secret Society holoX earns some recognition with their victory in the singing contest, they’re hit with a wave of bad press. To clean up their image and win...
When Cetia is targeted by the church’s forces, and she goes on a rampage―and so the end of our tale approaches! Searching for the truth behind all the deadly ecclesiastic...
Stuck in the world of The Silver Beast until she finds the book thief, things are looking bleak for Mifuyu. She’s fully transformed into a fox, and even more pressingly...Mashiro...
THE FLUFFY JOURNEY OF THE HERO AND HIS CAT REACHES ITS CLIMAX!The adventure continues with the desert kingdom’s king and his cat! Then, the hero and his companions ready themselves...
“Just who am I to Yuuki?” As Yuuki and Natsuha are in the midst of a little discord, Natsuha loses her confidence and dodges the topic of her future with...
LOVE CONQUERS MOST!Shina and Irie finally come face (and other body parts!) to face with the Demon Lord! When he discovers that he doesn't have to kill the Demon Lord...