Angels and demons aren't known for getting along, but their shared enthusiasm for designer labels and luxury items has drawn angel Eniale and demon Dewiela into a tempestuous friendship...which has...
An attack on Tokyo by a huge demon that is visible to almost everyone marks the start of an unprecedented outbreak of demonic activity around the world. While the Knights...
The Knights of the True Cross begin a coordinated assault on Satan’s fortress. The lord of demons summons the powerful Asmodeus, the King of Lust, who relishes the chance to...
After a fierce battle, Satan has become part of the earth, transforming the land around him into his realm. His heart now lies at the center of this cursed area,...
The Knights of the True Cross and the Exwires have fully engaged Satan on all fronts. Rin has confronted Satan head-on, and despite being blown apart, Rin’s own demonic nature...
Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real father....
Surrounded by the fiery wreckage of the Illuminati airship, Rin struggles to control his demonic alter ego before it consumes both himself and Yukio. The brothers are torn by a...
Now back in the present, and with the terrible, tragic knowledge of the truth of his and his brother’s birth, Rin confronts Yukio aboard the stricken Illuminati airship, Dominus Liminis. As...
After making the fateful decision to defy his fellow Hunters and save a young girl’s life, Spas finds himself caught between the worlds of the Normals and the Twilights. Branded...
The troublemaking heavenly agent Eniale and the serious-business hellspawn Dewiela have a history of messing with the Earth, and they’ve finally aroused the anger of an exorcists’ society! When a...
The battle for the souls rages on! Angel Eniale and demon Dewiela have scoured the Earth for lost spirits and the latest fashions alike, this time alighting on the shores...
As his vision of the past draws to a close, an older Rin bears witness to the tragic climax of the Blue Night. He watches as Satan’s cloned body can...
Rin bears witness to the fateful Blue Night when his mother, Yuri Egin, gave birth to both Rin and Yukio. Rin never wanted to see—or even know about—his birth, but...
The tragic story of what happened to Rin and Yukio’s mother, Yuri Egin, continues to unfold. Yuri and Father Fujimoto were once up-and-coming young Exorcists involved in Section 13’s extensive...
The seals binding the artificial Gehenna Gate are broken, and the world is gripped by demonic chaos! The Exwires try to figure out what to do without Rin and Yukio,...
The holiday season falls upon True Cross Academy, and Rin and his friends kick things off with a combined birthday and Christmas party. More happy news comes as they are...
Mephisto Pheles has freed his brother Amaimon from imprisonment and set him loose on True Cross Academy to serve his own agenda. While the Exwires deal with Amaimon’s surprise reappearance,...
After dealing with the demons of Shura’s past, Shura, Rin and Yukio return to True Cross Academy. While Yukio recovers from his wounds, Rin and his friends get back to...
Shura Kirigakure has always been one of Rin and Yukio’s closest and most trusted friends and mentors, but her past is a mystery. When Shura suddenly goes missing, Mephisto sends...
The surge of demonic activity around the world has the Knights of the True Cross worried at the highest levels. An important meeting at the Vatican will have serious effects...