The crown prince of Sharibalte walks the lonely halls of his vast palace, his mother’s sanity lost, his brother turned against him, and his father the King dead…Ascending to the...
A young woman impersonates Hojo Ran, the daughter of a baron betrothed to Tendo Masato. Her wish: to die while protecting Masato. She begins training to attend a Tendo family...
FAMILY REUNIONIt is now year 16 of the Meiji era (1883 AD). 43 years have passed since Jinya left all he knew in Kadono and set off on a journey...
A PARADE OF DEMONSIt’s 1877, and both the Meiji era and Jinya’s daughter, Nomari, are coming into adolescence—and all the growing pains that entails. Meanwhile, Somegorou brings Jinya a rumor...
VILLAGE OF THE MOTHSFollowed by a strange yokai child and in search of Hyakkimaru’s body parts, the trio stumble upon a village deep in the valley. While Dororo and Hyakkimaru...
GHOSTS OF THE PASTUpon Miura Naotsugu’s request to find his elder brother, Jinya visits the Miuras’ family home to investigate his disappearance. But as soon as Jinya and Naotsugu step...
THE SYSTEMS OF THE WORLD, REVEALED!Jolenta survives to fight as a leader of the movement of freethinkers that some still call heretics. Twenty-five years ago, she tasted hope and despair....
"ENOUGH OF THIS CHARADE. LAY BARE YOUR TRUE FEELINGS."On the surface, the Kingdom of Blau is a utopia, prospering under the protection of Archbishop Elton, the first goblin to hold...
DOCTOR’S ADVANTAGEKoyou has singlehandedly saved the village! It’s a big break for the young doctor, the prince, and the medical revolution on the horizon. At the same time, however, they...
THE MOMENT THAT ALTERS FATETo fulfill Badeni’s plan, Oczy heads for a fateful duel with Inquisitor Nowak. Gras. Oczy. Badeni. Jolenta. Piast. All have put their lives on the line...
KOYOU TO THE RESCUE!At Keiun’s urging, Koyou arrives in Plum village, which is being ravaged by a mysterious illness. Unable to figure out the disease’s origin or a proper treatment...
A PLOT THWARTED!During her visit to the royal capital, the Holy Woman Hinata narrowly escapes an attempt on her life. Cain, who saved her with his magic, launches a counterattack...
Pale Snake has F.F. on the ropes when Weather Forecast comes to their rescue. The pair narrowly escape and are able to meet up with Jolyne and Anastasia, but their...
Delve deeper into the magic of My Happy Marriage and feast your eyes on beautiful art wrapped in a gorgeous, delicately designed package! A gem of an art collection jam-packed with lush...
Round six is in full swing with a laconic Buddha taking on the enraged Zerofuku! But Buddha is the Enlightened One, even able to see into the future. How did...