The beloved fantasy adventure Inuyasha continues with the next generation of demon hunters!Can the three teenage daughters of demon dog half-brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru save their parents, themselves, and both realms from...
Kiyohara, the malicious and decadent governor of Shinano, is determined to crush any dissent within the province. When Hoshina Yasaburo, a member of the Suwa sect, rises up in rebellion,...
In war-torn medieval Japan, a young samurai lord struggles to retake his throne, but not by fighting. Hojo Tokiyuki will reclaim his birthright by running away! In medieval Japan, eight-year-old...
MELTING HEARTSSei’s many accomplishments as the Saint have earned her a slew of marriage proposals, and it’s honestly kind of a nightmare. Fortunately, she has the opportunity to escape all...
POTIONS AND POLITICS Sei’s life has just returned to a semblance of normal when she’s once more summoned to the palace. A foreign prince is coming to the kingdom, ostensibly...
MERCHANT, LADY, SAINT Now that Sei has performed multiple miracles in the capital and beyond, her reputation is on the rise, as are her business ventures. Unfortunately, not everyone harbors...
REAP WHAT YOU SOWThe site of this year’s Harvest Festival has been decided—and it’s the domain of the Maiden Court’s most reviled villainess, Shu Keigetsu! Down a guardian to show...
Prepare for swirling court intrigue in this magical "trading places" tale of maidens competing for the crown--and don't miss the manga adaptation, also from Seven Seas!In a kingdom inspired by...
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
The new government of Japan is determined to not only end the reign of the shoguns but erase any mention of the generations of women who once ruled the country....
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
Exorcise your destiny in an era-spanning supernatural adventure from manga legend Rumiko Takahashi! When Nanoka is transported back in time to a supernatural early 20th century, she gets recruited by...
The Five Heroic Generals have come together at last. Despite some initial misgivings, they agree to give Musashi their share of the blood of the Obsidian Goddess so that he...
THE CONQUERING HEROES Musashi has brought the Awaji campaign to a close by tapping into the power of the Obsidian Goddess. As the victorious samurai celebrate, Michiru reunites with Musashi...
THE TIES THAT BIND After being assimilated into the body of a demon god, Yataro Inuda attempts to gather up all the ore in Yura Mine and bring it to...