Issei’s back and the crisis in the underworld has been averted. The members of the Occult Research Club are eager for things to return to normal, but their hopes are...
Alex and his omega mate Toushirou have traveled afar from Japan to England, but because of Alex’s work and their difference in status, they struggle to find time to see...
During one of his usual raids, the young man who has come to be known as Goblin Slayer discovers a ring that glows with a mysterious, fiery light. In his...
After his sister is brutally murdered during a goblin raid, a young boy swears vengeance upon the creatures who killed not only her but also the rest of his village....
Together with Spearman and Heavy Warrior, Goblin Slayer takes on the Demon's Tower. No doubt his plan of attack will be suitably inventive...! And while he's off on this adventure,...
In a remote town dwells a man single-mindedly devoted to the slaughter of goblins-a man known as Goblin Slayer. However, this grim crusader isn't the only one living an adventure-filled...
Sasae and his family ventured towards the barbarous nation of Daba on a mission to slay its mad king, but the tables turn when Daba warriors strike at the border-in...
The Goblin Slayer party launches a counterattack on the goblins that attacked the adventurer training grounds! Even in the tunnel system of his mortal foes, Goblin Slayer is never without...
The nude form of an exhibitionist invisible girl is also a classmate who was actually in the classroom the entire time? Who is she!?
THE RIVETING FINALEMoMo and Mikogami are finally reunited, but Croix and Brunhilda block their way! As the two camps clash, something suddenly happens to Croix's body and the situation takes...
DESIRE ON FIRENobunaga collapses at the hands of Kiyomori! Could this be the end for him? Will he and Noel ever get a chance to consummate their fiery passion? Find...
The Human Empire fell to ruin, leaving behind a dystopia controlled by the current Machinery Empire. In this wasteland where human life is deemed worthless, a wandering boy meets a...
Following the suicide of Yuka, a victim of bullying, her brother Asaharu becomes disappointed in himself, and encounters an angel. The angel proceeds to offer him a deal: find the...
High school students battle each other to the death in the original survival game! Twenty years ago, the fascist government of the Republic of Greater East Asia seized control of...
A SHADOW FROM THE PASTKaren has forcibly restored Chloe’s memories! What lost truths will be revealed to her about Mary’s Womb? Meanwhile, Reito continues to make progress on his antidote...
GOT ROOM FOR ONE MORE?Riku is settling into his new house, sleeping with a new housemate each night, and just when he thinks he’s getting adjusted to a new routine,...
“DEVOTE YOURSELF TO MAKING BABIES. THAT'S WHY YOU EXIST.”In the aftermath of the kidnapping, Riku learns of his true nature as a libider. His world’s been thrown into chaos, but...
VIRGIN TERRITORYIt’s time for Riku to make a big decision! Who will he choose for his first time? But before he can lose his virginity, he has another first to...
SEXUAL AWAKENINGThe year is 2049 and, thanks to the MK Virus vaccine, life in Tokyo is regaining a sense of normality…sort of. Men are reintegrating into society, but something isn’t...
RACING TOWARD A CURE The MK Virus finally bares its fangs as Reito struggles to create a vaccine. Will his research succeed in time? Will he even live to see...