The third volume of Umezz’s classic horror manga begins with “Stage,” in which Orochi encounters a child who insists a mysterious “morning-man” has killed his father. But who is he...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
RBORN OF REVENGEIn search of the Country at the End of the Word and its secrets of forbidden magic, Mimori Touka plunges back into the Land of the Golden-Eyed Monsters....
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
MELTING HEARTSSei’s many accomplishments as the Saint have earned her a slew of marriage proposals, and it’s honestly kind of a nightmare. Fortunately, she has the opportunity to escape all...
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with...
POTIONS AND POLITICS Sei’s life has just returned to a semblance of normal when she’s once more summoned to the palace. A foreign prince is coming to the kingdom, ostensibly...
MERCHANT, LADY, SAINT Now that Sei has performed multiple miracles in the capital and beyond, her reputation is on the rise, as are her business ventures. Unfortunately, not everyone harbors...
This historic memoir by activist Ryousuke Nanasaki recounts his first experiences as a gay man while searching for his soulmate and eventual marriage–the first religiously recognized same-sex wedding in Japanese...
A spine-chilling and steamy romance between a Japanese sweets maker and the man who framed her mother for murder -- Something's Wrong With Us is the dark, psychological, sexy shojo...