In this direct sequel series to the cutthroat school drama that inspired an anime and manga adaptation (also from Seven Seas), the students' second year begins--and the stakes are as...
THE SCHEMER, REVEALED! The end of the second semester is near, and Ryuuen’s manhunt for Class D’s mastermind is only getting more aggressive. When he and his goons decide to...
A layered coming-of-age story from the author of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas and At Night, I Become a Monster. And don’t miss the manga, also from Seven Seas! An unhappy girl who engages...
MARITIME MARITAL MAYHEM! Rishe has been utterly restless since her heart-pounding kiss with Arnold, but she hardly has time for distractions. Under the pretense of procuring her wedding dress, the...
A heart-rending tale of star-crossed young lovers and parallel worlds! To Every You I’ve Loved Before (also from Seven Seas) and To Me, The One Who Loved You: two novels, two films, one...
O, HERO!When Kazuya Souma is unexpectedly transported to another world, he knows the people expect a hero. But Souma’s idea of heroism is more practical than most–he wants to rebuild...
LADIES FIRST! After the fracas with the church, Rishe’s feelings toward Arnold are starting to change. Thanks to a chance encounter with a would-be villainess she knew in another life,...
DO GIRLS LIKE HER LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER?Together, Rei and Claire have endured love, loss, and ridicule. Now, they face a challenge that will shake the foundations of the kingdom—revolution....
Kicked out by his family and wandering the streets, an unemployed 34-year-old shut-in thinks he’s hit rock-bottom—just as he’s hit and killed by a speeding truck! Awakening to find himself...
A heart-tugging story of young love that transcends parallel worlds! To Every You I’ve Loved Before and To Me, The One Who Loved You (also from Seven Seas): two novels,...
“I’M NOT AFRAID OF BEING EXPELLED”Tensions are high as the students of the Advanced Nurturing High School enter the second week of this special exam taking place on an uninhabited...
Reincarnation drama gets sent into overdrive in this tale full of romance and scheming--and don't miss the manga adaptation, also from Seven Seas! If you think being reincarnated once is...
The award-winning, bittersweet sci-fi tale of a mysterious tunnel, time travel, and young summer love that inspired an anime film. Don’t miss the manga adaptation and the light novel Wait For...
This heart-wrenching drama about two university students and their growing disillusionment–from Yoru Sumino, the author of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas and the Eisner-nominated I Had That Same Dream Again–was adapted into a...
Kicked out by his family and wandering the streets, an unemployed 34-year-old shut-in thinks he’s hit rock-bottom—just as he’s hit and killed by a speeding truck! Awakening to find himself...
A CLASS CRACKS UNDER PRESSUREThe results of the Unanimous Special Exam weigh heavily on Ayanokouji's class. Kushida, Hasebe, and Wang haven't come to school in days. But time marches on,...
A STAINED-GLASS MYSTERY!Galkhein has officially forged an alliance with Coyolles, and Arnold and Rishe are closer than ever. During a visit to the Grand Cathedral of Domana, which Arnold burns...
Two parallel dimensions and brief meetings in the dead of night give rise to a passionate love story from the bestselling author of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. Kaya lives...
Kicked out by his family and wandering the streets, an unemployed 34-year-old shut-in thinks he’s hit rock-bottom—just as he’s hit and killed by a speeding truck! Awakening to find himself...
PERUGIUS’S DIVINE TRIAL Rudeus’s fourth child, Sieghart, is born with the same crop of bright-green hair that Laplace was once feared for. The omen grows ever more ill when a...