In war-torn medieval Japan, a young samurai lord struggles to retake his throne, but not by fighting. Hojo Tokiyuki will reclaim his birthright by running away! In medieval Japan, eight-year-old...
From the creators of Death Note! Mirai may have been saved by an angel, but his battle is just beginning…As his classmates celebrate their middle school graduation, troubled Mirai is...
Number 6 has enacted his plan to bring Naruhata to its knees, releasing dozens of faceless anon drones into the streets. With Koichi still on the run from the authorities,...
As O’Clock and his accidental allies Tiger Bunny and the Rapper try to escape the underground arena, shadowy figures observe the chaos from afar. O’Clock takes on a hooded fighter...
The aspiring heroes of My Hero Academia team up with pro heroes for action-packed missions! The ambitious Team-Up Missions Program pairs groups of aspiring heroes with pro heroes to go on action-packed...
The aspiring heroes of My Hero Academia team up with pro heroes for action-packed missions! The ambitious Team-Up Missions Program pairs groups of aspiring heroes with pro heroes to go on action-packed...
Setsubun—a holiday to mark the coming of spring. Between Setsubun, a Valentine’s Day celebration, a springtime mountain trip, and even a meeting under the cherry blossoms, both U.A. students and...
It’s time for class 1-A to start getting ready for the end-of-the-year holidays. As excited as everyone is for Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and the New Year itself, preparing means...
Knowing that All For One has put a target on his back, Midoriya has left U.A., hoping to draw the villains away from everyone he cares about. But his friends...
A social butterfly makes friends with a wallflower--whether he's ready or not! Junta Shiraishi blends into the background so much that even his classmates fail to spot him. His goal...
A social butterfly makes friends with a wallflower--whether he's ready or not! Junta Shiraishi blends into the background so much that even his classmates fail to spot him. His goal...
A social butterfly makes friends with a wallflower--whether he's ready or not! Junta Shiraishi blends into the background so much that even his classmates fail to spot him. His goal...
Will Kaguya’s family force her to marry a man she doesn’t love to fulfill their political and financial ambitions? As Kaguya’s father’s days come to an end, the war of...
There is no progress without sacrifice... Giorno and the gang have survived long enough to secure an earth-shattering secret about the boss, but it may cost them their lives! Then,...
The gang has managed to keep Trish alive so far, but only barely. As their desperate mission continues, Giorno and his allies risk their lives again and again. Now, something...
There’s no rest for the wicked! The crew’s next stop is scenic Venice, but they’re going to have to fight for every inch of progress. Standing in their way is...
The high-speed conflict continues! The express train is zooming its way to Florence, and the squad is hanging on for dear life—literally! They’re under siege by their foes, desperate to...
Narancia Ghirga is under siege! Chased all over by an enemy Stand user, Passione member and Bruno Bucciarati ally Narancia has been shrunk to the size of a doll and...
Beware, evil spirits! Ghost Reaper Girl is on the case! Chloé has dreamed of being a glamorous actress ever since she was little. But being the ripe old age of...
Beware, evil spirits! Ghost Reaper Girl is on the case! Chloé has dreamed of being a glamorous actress ever since she was little. But being the ripe old age of...