In the spring of 1998, Koichi Sakakibara transfers to Yomiyama North Middle School. In class, he develops a sense of unease as he notices that the people around him act...
Longing to escape his island home, a boy named Hodaka runs away during his first summer of high school to find a new life in Tokyo. As rain falls for...
The Lost Ones are wanderers who come here from a distant world known as "Japan." No one knows how or why they leave their homes. The only thing that is...
Oscar’s curse is undone, and three months remain on his contract with the Witch of the Azure Moon. A listless Tinasha is beset upon by Lenora-a new witch who’s after...
The Return of an Ancient Empire After searching for hundreds of years Tinasha has finally found Lanak, the love of her life long before she was ever a witch. The...
A caravan flying the flag of the Nation of Darkness has been attacked by a noble who hails from the Re-Estize Kingdom. Coincidence...or conspiracy? Either way, Nazarick interprets this as...
In the kingdom of Re-Estize, a sinister organization known as the Eight Fingers holds sway of the criminal underworld. Ainzs orders Sebas to infiltrate the capital to gather intel on...
Lord Ainz has made great progress moonlighting as the indomitable hero Momon, but what should be a moment of triumph is shattered--by news of rebellion. He vows to find out...
After living a painful life as an office worker, Azusa ended her short life by dying from overworking. So when she found herself reincarnated as an undying, unaging witch in...
A RACE AGAINST TIMERimuru and his team are headed for the Holy Empire of Lubelius to organize the concert he promised Luminus, its leader. But as preparations continue, a fiendish...
SOMETIMES EVEN HARUHI DOESN'T KNOW WHAT SHE WANTS! While the SOS Brigade visits a shrine to ring in the New Year, Kyon can't help but notice a distinct lack of...
Everything's gonna be okay... The difficulty ramps up as Gaeabrande proves just how tough an S-ranked world can be! But whether his foe is a gargantuan lord of the flies...
NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH Cid pays a visit to the Sacred Land, where he finds himself getting roped into the Goddess's Trial. It's a ritual event that...
A meeting of demonic minds!Newly minted demon lord Rimuru has received word of a special assembly of all ten demon lords known as the Walpurgis Council. It just so happens...
Hope never dies. It can only be...reborn! Returning to Echidna's castle of dreams to seek her help, Subaru finds himself face-to-face with not one but six Witches. And while he's...
What's the point of having a save if nothing stays the same?The first person ever to kill Subaru is back and she's ready to make good on her bloody promise!...
TIME SPARES NO ONE... With the path to the Trial clear again, Emilia readies her mind and body to challenge her past once more. Though she has finally gained access...
The times may change, but the legends of adventuring never will!With the Witch Cult and the Archbishop of Sloth defeated, Subaru Natsuki is finally reunited with Emilia. Overcoming their bitter...