Yuuma Kousaka, a high-schooler resistant to the zombie virus, has found himself in a situation where he has to periodically kiss Mai Tsukishiro to stop her from turning into a...
Fifteen-year-old Alicia is determined to become a villainess who can wield magic with enough skill to match the power of the heroine! After going back to school for the first...
After leaving Ms. Paula’s dorm, Allen is invited to the mansion of House Bolnard ― one of the biggest noble families in Liengard. There, the head of the family, Patriot...
Issei and the others enter the country of vampires and meet Gasper's old friend Valerie...who now rules as queen! But it's clear the real power behind the throne is her...
A week has passed since Kaguya lost consciousness. She’s now comatose, trapped within the mind of a hero; her condition continues to decline, compounded by news of the Director’s death....
Detective Shiroshi and his pet assistant Seiji venture to Okuhida to investigate a baffling old case involving people being attacked in the streets. At their ryokan in the mountains, which...
After completing the supposedly impossible Lucemia labyrinth, all eyes are on Fay. However, he's also caught the eye of an unknown god. Now he's been sucked in to a large-scale...
I'm a replica―a copy who must fill in for their original whenever they don't want to do something. But now I've lost my one role. As winter approaches, Sunao begins...
After the Spirit’s visit the shrine for the New Year, the new school term begins. But their peaceful routine is quickly shattered by a meteor descending from space, knocked out...
A new person is after Hana?! Thanks to Saku's scheming, Hana and Hazuki's toxic parents are finally out of the picture. Plus, now the twin sisters can reconcile with their...
After the surprising ending to their Osaka trip, Tomozaki and his friends begin their third year of high school without being able to talk things over with Hinami. Hinami herself...
The exciting large-scale PvP battle was full of challenges, forging bonds and deepening friendships between Maple Tree and the other top players. Now that it has come to a spectacular...
Kyouichirou has successfully rescued Haruka Aono from her scheduled demise, and together, they face one unfair boss after the next. With his knowledge of Dungeon Magia and her unrivalled sword...
Having overcome the strife in Kisk and returned to Farsas, Shizuku sets about a new job―making language learning resources for children. Meanwhile, Erik continues to try to help her find...
Takatsuki's estranged cousin Hiroto reaches out to him. Apparently, a growth has appeared on his fiance's shoulder―and it's taking the shape of a face! But the moment they meet her,...
A young girl lives on the northern tip of the Yamato archipelago in the land of Enishi. Her name is Kaya Fugeki, a descendent of the family that serves the...
New warriors have suddenly appeared on the "Brain Burst 2039" battlefield ― the "Drive Linkers.” This marks the beginning of an invasion by the fourth Accelerated World, "Dread Drive 2047."...
After the disruption and chaos of the Autumn Heights Festival, the troublemakers were rounded up and the masterminds dealt with. Alya and Masachika’s well-received musical performances were the cherry on...
Bookseller's note: This is in paperback with a proposed page count of 608 pages and trim size of 5.5"x8.25". Through the storm of steam and machinery, who can achieve the...
Somewhere in the world is a witch named Elaina. As she wanders from one place to the next, she writes down a log of her journeys. This book is a...