In the year 2043, Infinite Dendrogram, the world's first successful full-dive VRMMO was released. In addition to its ability to perfectly simulate the five senses, along with its many other...
Next stop on the party's quest to defeat the Demon Lord: Yutith's Tomb, home to undead monsters. It's a great place to level up a bunch of novices, but there's...
Ten years have passed since the Demon Lord Kranos declared war on mankind. As the situation grows desperate, the Ruxe Kingdom summons a hero from another world to stand against...
"That's game over, Arita--I mean, Silver Crow."His life completely transformed since meeting Kuroyukihime, the most beautiful girl in school, Haruyuki has grown up into a magnificent knight, fat and bullied...
No matter how much the times change, bullied kids aren't going anywhere. And fat junior high school student Haruyuki is one of them. But one day, Haruyuki encounters Kuroyukihime, the...