Opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the resident wallflower of his new class in this heartwarming, slice-of-life school comedy series!With the end of summer vacation for friendly Takada and...
Caiman and Nikaido return to the Hole, where Doc and Kasukabe manage to cure Nikaido of her deadly fungal affliction. But a prowler outside Central Hospital is watching and waiting...
ROCKIN' TITANS Eren and the gang start a band, in the hopes of taking the school festival by storm! But they face unexpected opposition in the school's mysterious idols, a...
Seirin High is smashing its way through the Inter-High qualifiers. But to make it to the Finals League, they’ll have to win twice in one day! First up is a...
Tokio is back from his training just in time to help Ely and Azuma deal with some troublesome choujin on a plane. But tearful reunions will have to wait as...
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation – A Journey of Two Lifetimes [Special Book] is a one-shot collection that features the “History of Mushoku Tensei” and includes brand-new short stories, a special manga, a...
In a remote kingdom, there lived a princess, adored by her subjects and wielding powerful magic. But as her land was ravaged by an endless war, she lost everything: her...
What should have been a simple school trip to Tataratus veers off path when Kazu meets an ambitious shape-shifting tanuki, Kaiko, whose dream is to become a revered artisan. With...
Shizuku Futakawa is used to being abandoned. So far, he's been abandoned by his mother, his abusive father, and his stepmother. He doesn't have time to wallow, though, because he's...
The Halgals enter talks of marriage with another clan, but first, Azel and the other men must be tested to see if they are worthy. They face off against their...
The full-color manga that inspired the anime series!High schooler Anzu Hoshino has a great life. Every day she plays video games, pigs out on snacks, and pets her beloved cat....
Alucard, known by “Al” for short, is a vampire who has been raised by a priest, You. Providing Al the fluids he needs to survive has created an unusually close...
LIFE GOES ON FOR POLAR BEAR AND THE REGULARS AT HIS COMFORTING CAFÉRin Rin, who runs a flower shop near the zoo, is obsessed with Panda-kun, and tries various ways...
The people who make the World’s Most Popular Manga share their tricks, advice, and secrets!From Dragon Ball to Demon Slayer, from One Piece to My Hero Academia and beyond, Weekly Shonen Jump has published some of the finest manga...
The charming slice-of-life manga about a café run by a polar bear that inspired the beloved anime--includes bonus color content!Polar Bear is a walking, talking, pun-loving bear who runs a...
Opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the resident wallflower of his new class in this heartwarming, slice-of-life school comedy series!One lonely, gloomy fifth-grade girl is the target of her...
Devil’s Candy, the popular webcomic by Rem and Bikkuri, is a hilarious action-adventure that follows Kazu Decker and his science experiment, Pandora, as they navigate high school with a ghoulish...
A love letter to those who dream of being fashionable but consider their weight as an obstacle, this uplifting comic essay by a plus-sized author chronicles her own journey with...
As En desperately tries to keep the family alive and together, the worlds of the sorcerers and the Hole descend into total chaos. What will happen with the Devils and...
Inside the nightmare surrounding the Central Department Store, the long-absent En returns, making his family's wish come true! But its faithful members are either dead or dismembered, so if En...