The award-winning, bittersweet sci-fi tale of a mysterious tunnel, time travel, and young summer love that inspired an anime film. Don’t miss the manga adaptation and the light novel Wait For...
This heart-wrenching drama about two university students and their growing disillusionment–from Yoru Sumino, the author of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas and the Eisner-nominated I Had That Same Dream Again–was adapted into a...
After learning that his long-lost sister, Gin, is in the Port Mafia headquarters, Akutagawa breaks free from his Agency colleagues and goes in alone—right through the front door! After four...
Dazed and confused, Chihiro awakes on a pile of garbage with memories of wedding still fresh in his mind. When out of the blue a young man named Keito appears...
Featuring new illustrations, tales that couldn't be told during the main story, and detailed information about the characters! Whether it's age, BMI, or the first time they died, this guide...
In this sexy isekai romcom manga, a noblewoman loses her virginity to a mystery man to avoid marrying a prince--but he turns out to be the prince himself! A scandalous...
Reincarnation drama gets sent into overdrive in this tale full of romance and scheming--and don’t miss the original light novels, also from Seven Seas!Every time Rishe turns twenty, she dies and...
In this sweet yuri love story by the creator of The Girl I Want is So Handsome! (also from Seven Seas), two high school girls--one a shy writer, the other a social...
The complete nerdy rom-com manga between a gamer boy and a girl who reads and draws spicy comics, in a collectible box set including an exclusive sticky notepad!A tall, quiet...
ENDINGS AND BEGINNINGSAs fall turns into winter, Mitsumi and her friends say goodbye to the first half of their freshman year. Meanwhile, Mitsumi’s friendship with Shima-kun takes on a whole...
Seiichiro's always pulled his own weight, all day every day, for almost thirty years. Even when he gets stuck in a fantasy world because of some strange Saint-Summoning Ritual, he...
CHAOS AT THE SCHOOL FESTIVALBetween her class’s musical performance and a dizzying array of committee duties, Mitsumi is determined that her first school festival in Tokyo will be a rousing...
Yashiro and Doumeki have finally crossed the line that for so long they dared not. Doumeki confronts the fact that Yashiro is irreplaceable to him, while Yashiro realizes his own...
One sunny afternoon, on the campus of their university...One rainy night, at the train station...Arikawa and Misaki’s paths crossed.Neither one knowing the other’s name, or anything about him...That was how...
Zero customers, a naked young lady, and an armed militia--it's just another postapocalyptic day for this food truck owner! The owner of a food truck in a postapocalyptic world nearly...
In a time when the Shadow World has taken over and most of humanity is wiped out, a party of six heroes strives and fails to save the world… But...
England at the end of the 19th century. A string of gruesome incidents all lead back to a single boy who was born into a world where chaos and order,...
Based on the popular psychological drama light novels (also from Seven Seas) that inspired an anime! Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom--if...
When the panty hose go on, all bets are off between these best guy friends! Practical Keisuke’s incredibly handsome best friend Masayuki has always rubbed him just a little bit...
Join Senku's father Byakuya on his adventure in space as the world turns to stone!One fateful day, all of humanity turned to stone. Many millennia later, Taiju frees himself from...