In this heartwarming and award-winning manga originally known as Metamorphose no Engawa, an elderly woman and a high school girl develop a beautiful friendship through their shared passion for Boys’...
FOR THE LOVE OF BL!Urara and Ichinoi have made it to the doujinshi event! Can they survive the crowds and long lines and finally meet Komeda-sensei? Series Information Learn more...
BLFFSAfter a little push from Ichinoi, Urara finally takes a step toward something she has only dreamed about! They might be over fifty years apart, but Urara and Ichinoi prove...
BL 4 EVERUnder Ichinoi’s watchful eye, Urara is diving headfirst into making her first manga! Their friendship began with a shared love of reading–how deep will it grow as they...
THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP...AND BL! Comitia is well underway, but Ichinoi is getting overheated and they have yet to sell a single thing! Urara is just about to throw in...