The award-winning manga of one young man’s journey to become the greatest saxophone player in the world. Dai lived a normal high school life in Sendai: a city of hot...
GIANT STEPSDai is determined to become the best jazz player in the world, but dreams don’t come easy–and a whole lot get broken on the way. While his music teacher...
MAIDEN VOYAGE At long last, Dai finally forms his own band. After months of practicing alone in Tokyo, Dai meets a brilliant pianist named Yukinori. In some ways, the two...
LIVE IN JAPAN Dai’s band of teenage musicians finally has a name: “Jass,” a throwback to the early days of jazz. They’re pulling in crowds, too, winning their first-ever payday...
KIND OF BLUE Dai, Tamada, and Yukinori have taken their jazz trio to the next level as the opening act for a famous, established group. In front of their biggest...