To stop the spreading global vampire crisis, a sealed ability weapon is transported from Europe to Japan. The detective agency launches a desperate plan to keep it from falling into...
The fate of the Armed Detective Agency—and the entire world—falls upon Aya’s shoulders as she makes her escape. Meanwhile, deep within the Meursault prison, Gogol sets the stage for Dazai...
As Gogol’s deadly game continues, Dostoyevsky summons an ally to aid him in his escape―Chuuya, now a vampire! Dazai will have to say his farewells to his onetime partner if...
Together with their partners, Dazai and Dostoyevsky engage in a deadly battle of minds as they blitz through the security of Meursault. Sigma seeks to steal the secrets of Dostoyevsky’s...
All hope seems lost as the world teeters on the brink. With the forces of the agency scattered and One Order in the hands of Fukuchi, can Fukuzawa rise to...