From the pages of Bungo Stray Dogs comes a new series about the peaceful everyday lives of the cast-Only now the Armed Detective Agency and Mafia characters are mini-sized?! This...
The peaceful daily lives of the cast of Bungo Stray Dogs continue! Filled to the brim with scenes you won’t see in the main series, from Atsushi and his friends...
Characters from the popular Bungo Stray Dogs go about their busy everyday lives! Chock-full of heartwarming (?) stories, as Atsushi and the others perform magic tricks and a joint sports...
Just because the world of Bungo Stray Dogs is peaceful doesn’t mean there isn’t trouble. From Dostoyevsky having trouble with Japanese to Chuuya losing his hat, you never know what will happen...
The members of the Armed Detective Agency switch bodies, the girls have a special late-night chat, and the twin duos of Twin Dark new and old turn into magical girls...
Make way for the hero of Bungo Day Care―Odasaku-man! Atsushi and Kyouka have a crepe party, Chuuya shows his appreciation for Dazai (!?), and other wholesome adventures await in the...
From the chill of winter to the pollen of spring, the Armed Detective Agency has your back year-round as the relaxing tales from the peaceful world of Bungo Stray Dogs...
Atsushi and Akutagawa butt heads! Dazai and Chuuya also butt heads! Whether it’s the Port Mafia getting in on the virtual reality boom or the kids at Bungo Day Care...
Shocking disaster strikes the normally peaceful city of Yokohama as Atsushi accidentally spills his ramen all over Kunikida’s notebook! And this dastardly tiger’s sins don’t stop there…! Plus, Sigma brings...
The Bungo Stray Dogs comfort series finally reaches Volume 10! A hotpot pot lock party at the Armed Detective Agency? Sounds like fun―Wait, what did Dazai just put in the...
The colorful cast of Bungo Stray Dogs return! Higuchi gets really into haiku as she seeks out new ways to express her feelings for Akutagawa and Dazai has a totally...