Welcome to Ikebukuro, where Tokyo's wildest characters gather!! Meet an ordinary boy who daydreams about the extraordinary. A naive stalker girl. The strongest man in Ikebukuro. A shut-in doctor with...
If you see Shizuo Heiwajima, don't wait around. Run!! Mikado is an average high-schooler whose life has been anything but since moving to Ikebukuro! After coming face to-neck?-with the legendary...
Twisted passion accelerates disaster!!After twenty years of searching, Celty, the headless Black Rider, has at last found her missing head-bobbing through the streets of Ikebukuro on someone else's neck! Though...
Dollars, rise up!!When Yagiri Pharmaceuticals crosses the line, the true leader of the Dollars steps forward to take command of the vast network of members at his disposal...Though this unobtrusive...
The serial slashings in Ikebukuro have come to an end, and Anri is steadily recovering from her injuries. But life is far from "back to normal" for Kida. Enraged at...
The Yellow Scarves are threatened when an unknown individual infiltrates their hideout. Just when the Yellow Scarves have their quarry cornered, the Headless Rider, urban legend of Ikebukuro, comes to...
"That's why I'm Here."To face the past and protect the present, Masaomi Kida, leader of the Yellow Scarves, heads to Izaya's apartment. His intention is to discover the true identity...
Ikebukuro, Tokyo-a neighborhood where twisted love prowls!!A series of street slashings in Ikebukuro begins to connect total strangers:A teenage girl with no personality of her own; a beat writer for...
I want to see Shizuo. Soon, soon, soon...A mysterious serial slasher has struck in Ikebukuro. The username "Saika" appears in online chat rooms in sync with the attacks. Saika-the name...
We love all of humanity.Mysterious chat room messages, all posted under the name 'Saika,' profess love for humanity - and for one man in particular. Saika's target: Shizuo Heiwajima!! Over...
THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE DOWNRIGHT WEIRD.The Ikebukuro district in Tokyo is full of interesting people. A boy longing for the extraordinary. A hotheaded punk. An airheaded pseudo-stalker. An...
Ikebukuro has a slashing problem.Ikebukuro, Tokyo. A place where the clumsy and inept at love gather. A high school girl worried about her status. A third-rate magazine reporter covering the...
"Could you kill someone? Working as an information broker in Shinjuku, just toying with all those people... But could you, Izaya Orihara, kill someone? Directly, by your own hand? Not...
"Do you enjoy being the Black Rider who's been spotted all over Ikebukuro over the past few years now? Why is it that you're riding such a dangerous bike all...
Ikebukuro, Tokyo. All kinds of people are showing up to settle their scores with Izaya Orihara the information broker. A pair of foreigners who specialize in odd jobs. A runaway...
After being framed by Izaya and forced to become fugitive on the run, Shizuo. Forced to rethink his position and circumstances, Mikado. Only now realizing the predicaments of his friends,...
"I'm not doing anything. All the Dollars did that together..."The holiday isn't over yet. The day after Izaya was stabbed, the scars of the recent incident are still fresh in...
"I'm not doing anything. All the Dollars did that together..."The holiday isn't over yet. The day after Izaya was stabbed, the scars of the recent incident are still fresh in...
A twisted love for humanity...Izaya Orihara is used to getting his hands dirty, manipulating others for his so-called "love." While working with the Awakusu-kai to locate a group distributing drugs,...
Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The Dollars and anyone associated with them have been disappearing one after the other. Is it because those who once called themselves comrades have decided to strike off...