A modern reimagining of a genre classic, from the creative team behind the Ultraman manga!They call them DEVOLVED–strange alien creatures that attack our world through distortions in space. Tragedy has...
GETTER WING!Guided by a cosmic fate, the three pilots of the Getter war machines are now united. Their transforming battle mechs are all that stand between the monstrous Unevolved and...
ACROSS ALL POSSIBLE WORLDSAs attacks from the monstrous Unevolved persist, the government begins to grow suspicious of Professor Saotome’s plans…and the arrival of a certain stranger only deepens the mystery....
INFINITE APOCALYPSEThe truth is laid bare: the battles of Getter Robo and the Getter Emperor have played out over and over again, across the scope of a vast multiverse…and every...
A BATTLE FOR ALL REALITYRevelations about the nature of reality have turned everything upside down, but Ryoma’s determined to fight for his existence, even if that means escaping the virtual...