In a time following a massive war, two girls, Chito and Yuuri, travel aimlessly through a dark abandoned factory in their Kettenkrad. After Yuuri slobbers all over her hand during...
Taking shelter from a snowstorm, Chito and Yuuri discover a power plant with hot running water and they use it to fill a metal tank to take a makeshift bath....
While searching for the source of the fish they ate, the girls are impeded by a chasm dividing the city. They encounter another survivor named Kanazawa after he demolishes a...
Yuuri uses Kanazawa's camera to take photographs of curious tall, white stone statues around the city while Chito discovers the camera's self-timer. Later, the girls are exploring a temple when...
The girls explore the city and spend the night in an sparsely furnished apartment, picturing what it would be like to live in a house. Feeling tired after staying up...
While exploring the city, the Kettenkrad breaks down and Chito cannot fix it. The girls encounter a woman named Ishii who offers to fix their vehicle in exchange for helping...