Experience real-life chills as Junji Ito brings these "true" horror series to life! University student Mimi and her boyfriend Naoto encounter one chilling mystery after another. There's the enigmatic neighbor...
A collection full of grotesque imagination and surreal urban legends. Every night, a young man hears children playing outside of his boarding house. But the alley below his window is...
For the first time since his debut 35 years ago, horror master Junji Ito reveals exactly how he creates his unique worlds.Why are we drawn to fear?Horror manga legend Junji...
Three-time Eisner Award winner Junji Ito presents brand-new nightmares!Welcome to the liminal zone, where things beyond your wildest imagination await.What fate awaits when death is not the end?A group of...
A best-of story selection by the master of horror manga.This volume includes nine of Junji Ito’s best short stories, as selected by the author himself and presented with accompanying notes...