Prince Bon’s ability to see the dead convinces him that he is all-powerful–until he finds himself trapped at the hands of The Church of Bennett. Meanwhile, there are abilities within...
While traveling with the Guardians, Fushi is captured by Prince Bon, a man who can see the dead. Soon after, Fushi and Prince Bon embark on a journey to provide...
After Pioran’s death, Fushi lives alone on a desert island. One day, a girl named Hisame–a descendant of a former enemy–arrives to lead Fushi to a village once destroyed by...
Fushi remains on Jananda with Hayase, and by doing so, frees Tonari and the group. But Tonari returns to the island to save Fushi, where a grave danger awaits them...
Monstrous killers from many lands are banished to Jananda Island. There, Fushi must win the island’s fighting tournament to save Pioran and gain their freedom. While immersed in the brutality...
Four years dedicated to his family have molded Fushi into an approximation of a human. But Fushi’s new acquisitions in that low-stimulus life have been few. When he attends Rean’s...
A new, two-volume adventure in the world of the hit manga and Netflix Original Series The Seven Deadly Sins! Seven Days follows fan-favorite character Ban in a romance caught between eternal life and...
If you've been waiting to collect the manga that became the hit Netflix Original Anime The Seven Deadly Sins, or you're looking for the perfect gift for a Sins-obsessed loved one,...
Final FarewellsThe secret ambition that Merlin has held in her heart since the formation of The Seven Deadly Sins is finally exposed as she awakens Arthur as the King of...
Out of TimeZeldris's comrades Cusack and Chandler fuse into a terrify- ing new threat: an overwhelming creature known as the First Demon, but the Sins and Archangels can't afford to...