
Loner Life in Another World

When acerbic loner Haruka gets transported to another world with his class, he’s not big on adventuring, but he wouldn’t mind some cool magic of his own. Unfortunately, the magic powers are first-come-first-served, and by Haruka’s turn, there’s nothing good left to choose from. Now he’ll have to take on this fantasy world the hard way, with a hodgepodge selection of bizarre skills…and with all the girls in class tagging along!

Adaptation guide: Novel-based — Season 1 (Vol. -- to --)


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Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 01


A sarcastic isekai comedy about surviving in a fantasy world with only the weirdest magic powers. Inspired the hit manga! When sarcastic loner Haruka gets transported with his class to...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 02


Lady of the LabyrinthHaruka has reunited with his classmates in the city of Omui, but as a loner through and through, it isn’t long before their presence starts getting to...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 03


A WATCHER IN THE SHADOWSWith Angelica at his side, Haruka enjoys the spoils of dungeoneering, and even uses his newfound wealth to inject a little modern-day flair into the city...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 04


A ROYAL ENCOUNTERThe frontier has been saved from Nallogi’s advances, but Haruka’s problems aren’t over yet! As Haruka and his classmates delve deep into the dungeons around Omui, they encounter...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 05


WAR ON THE HORIZON As the kingdom bears down on the frontier, Haruka steps up to prepare his fellow classmates for war. But getting battle-ready means achieving level 100, a...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 06


SEIZE THE CAPITALAccompanied by Princess Shalliceres, Haruka sets out for the capital—and rescues the crown prince from an ambush along the way! Meanwhile, the city falls under the control of...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 07


When sarcastic loner Haruka gets transported with his class to another world, he’s not wild about adventuring, but he wouldn’t mind having some cool powers. Unfortunately, he’s last in line...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 08


PARADISE FOUND!The Theocracy’s invasion of Omui thwarted, Haruka is desperate to return to normal life. He's added a new item to his to-do list besides dungeon-crawling and equipment-crafting: the monster...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 09


SISTER ACTIONHaruka meets a group of clerics in the fantastical frontier of Omui. One of the clerics, Arianna, is actually the princess of the Theocracy. She explains the Theocracy’s deep...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 10


A DUEL? DON'T LOSE, HARUKA! Loner Haruka and his classmates set out for the Beast Kingdom as envoys for Diorelle amid the Theocracy-induced political turmoil. Their mission? Win the Beast...

Loner Life in Another World (Light Novel) Vol. 11


ROADBLOCKS EN ROUTE TO THE HOLY CITY! Haruka successfully infiltrated the Theocracy! Wending his way to the Holy City to stop the pope, he rescues a bunny girl from Theocracy...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 01


IS ONE REALLY THE LONELIEST NUMBER?Haruka is just your average high school loner, minding his own business and keeping to himself as he makes it through his high school career,...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 02


TWO CAN BE AS BAD AS ONE!Loner life in the forest was hard enough for Haruka, but now he has to make his way through the big city!Tasked with protecting...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 03


THREE'S A CROWD!After coming to the aid of a young noble named Merielle, Haruka finds himself with a free pass to leave and enter the city at his own discretion!...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 04


FIRING ON ALL FOUR CYLINDERS!Haruka reluctantly saves the day again and again, but now he wants nothing more than to go home to his cave and enjoy his loner life!...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 05


FIVE-FINGERED DISCOUNT! ALL TREASURES MUST GO! Haruka's spent a while working his way back up from the dungeon depths with a new companion in tow, grabbing as many treasures as...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 06


WHERE'S THE TREASURE? SIX FEET UNDER!Haruka's saved his friends, he's stopped a monster stampede, he's plumbed the recesses of an ancient dungeon and rescued a cute skeleton girl from certain...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 07


OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!  Having begun his plan to turn Omui into an independent trade hub, Haruka sets about improving the local shopping facilities in record time. But his...

Loner Life in Another World (Manga) Vol. 08


OMUI BEHIND THE EIGHT BALL? NO WAY, NO HOW! With the invasion from Lord Narogy halted, Haruka sets his sights on a bold new goal... A fake labyrinth! A dud...

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