When a cursed womb appears at a detention facility, Jujutsu High dispatches Itadori and the other first-years to handle the situation. However, the curse they encounter is far stronger than...
Tensions are high as the Goodwill Event between the Tokyo and Kyoto campuses of Jujutsu High approaches. But before the competition can even begin, a couple of Kyoto students confront...
While investigating a strange set of mysterious deaths, Itadori meets Junpei, a troubled kid who is often bullied at school. However, Junpei is also befriended by the culprit behind the...
Everyone’s surprised (and not necessarily in a good way) when they find out Itadori is still alive, but there’s no time for a heartwarming reunion when Jujutsu High is in...
During the Goodwill Event, the Kyoto School's authorities order their students to assassinate Itadori. However, Mahito and a horde of special grade curses and curse users complicate matters by attacking...
Despite the injuries and losses they suffered in an attack on the Goodwill Event, the students of Jujutsu High have little time rest as people start dying under mysterious circumstances....
The incident in Shibuya becomes dire when Toji Zen’in reappears! Meanwhile, Mei Mei confronts the traitorous Geto on a subway platform, and Nanami’s furious over the casualties suffered by the assistant managers. Then more grade...
In order to thwart the culling game, Itadori needs the help of Kinji Hakari, a third-year who is currently suspended from Jujutsu High. In order to get it, Itadori participates...
In order to add a rule that will serve as a loophole in the Culling Game, Itadori and Fushiguro set their sights on a player named Hiromi Higuruma, who has...
The ongoing tale that began with the omnibus release of Kageki Shojo!! The Curtain Rises. Follow the drama on and off the stage with the girls at the Kouka School of...
Star-Crossed Lovers Sarasa is taking a trip back home to Asakusa, and her stoic roommate/brand new BFF Ai-chan is coming with her! When the girls arrive, waiting for them is...
All’s Fair in Love and Sports! The Kouka School of Musical and Theatrical Arts might not be your average school, but it still has a sports festival! Sarasa and the...
The critically acclaimed shoujo manga about the drama of all-women musical theater–now an anime! Watanabe Sarasa has always dreamed of being an otokoyaku, an actress who plays male roles in an all-female...
As leaders of their prestigious academy’s student council, Kaguya and Miyuki are the elite of the elite! But it’s lonely at the top… Luckily for them, they’ve fallen in love!...
Kafka wants to clean up kaiju, but not literally! Will a sudden metamorphosis stand in the way of his dream?With the highest kaiju-emergence rates in the world, Japan is no...
When the final test of the Defense Force screening exam ends, a mysterious humanoid kaiju revives a neutralized honju and sics it on Kikoru Shinomiya and the rest of the examinees....
Kafka manages to fight off a humanoid kaiju, rescuing Iharu and Reno. But before he can change back to his human form, Kafka is spotted by Defense Force officers, and...
The original run of the legendary Kamen Rider manga, now in English as a special 50th anniversary hardcover omnibus! Fans the world over have long been enthralled by tales of Kamen Rider, the masked,...
NOT YOUR GARDEN VARIETY YURI LOVE STORY!Yamada may be shy and rather clumsy, but the flower gardens at her school have always brought her happiness. Suddenly, a different sort of...
We’re girlfriends…now what?It’s the start of grade twelve and this year, Yamada and Kase-san are in the same class together! Yamada’s thrilled to be dating her track-star girlfriend but she’s...