In this just-surreal-enough take on the “school genre” of manga, a group of friends (which includes a robot built by a child professor) grapple with all sorts of unexpected situations...
Less than ordinary Yuuko tries a string of puns that goes very far off the rails. Misato pulls out the big guns when dealing with the maddeningly level-headed Sasahara. The...
Extra ordinaryThe Professor gets everyone stuck in a sticky situation. Mio goes to extraordinary lengths to protect her passionate pet project. Unexpected feelings for another teacher have taken root in...
standard surrealitymio finally has her dream come true. ms. nakamura ends up in a nightmare situation after discovering the shinonome laboratory. the princess goes on a rampage to recover the...
A kid-friendly adventure about a young girl and her demonic pal exploring a fascinating world!Nicola never really felt like she fit in around other humans…so she came to the demons’...
DEATH IS JUST ANOTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY! Humanitarian-extraordinaire Yachiyo Hitotose gets a once-in-a-lifetime chance to volunteer overseas–but things go awry when her plane goes down and she dies! When she wakes...
TO THE LAND OF LIGHTNING After first being welcomed to the world of Gulgraf as a savior goddess, Yachiyo nearly crumbled in the face of the domineering Tenka Landgraf. But...
A dark comedy starring a writer who would honestly rather die than live out an isekai fantasy. A second life in another world with cute girls by your side and...
Tomoko Kuroki naturally assumed she'd be popular when she got to high school...but then cold, hard reality swooped in for the attack! Turns out all the popularity points she's racked...
Despite having made it to high school, her long-awaited promised land, poor Tomoko Kuroki continues to strike out with her peers and remains utterly, wretchedly unpopular. And before she knows...
As her second term of high school begins, a sudden seat change knocks Tomoko for a loop...! And after surviving that trauma, how will she face the looming "Cultural Festival"...?!...
As the second term of high school winds down, Tomoko Kuroki's life continues to be full of awesome...nothing. But ever the optimist, she pins her hopes on the possibilities that...
After an unforgivingly grueling introduction to high school, Tomoko's now finally a second-year. One with a tough, sports-crazed homeroom teacher, a somewhat friendly classmate, and a kid brother now stalking...
A face from Tomoko's past shows up at her high school...but Tomoko can't remember her middle school classmate Komiyama for the life of her! As if that's not bad enough,...
Tomoko plunges into her second summer vacation as a high school student. Though determined to do her best at doing absolutely nothing, she ends up getting dragged to a school...
Now in her second year and second term of high school, Tomoko comes face to face with a new nightmare--the class trip! The first obstacle that awaits her is the...
As the dreaded class trip comes to an end, it leaves an unexpected boon in its wake-Tomoko has gotten juuust a bit more capable of conversing with her classmates! But...
Tomoko's caught in a love triangle...and she doesn't even know it yet! First-year Akari is head-over-heels for Tomoko's kid brother, Tomoki. But thanks to Komi's meddling, Akari thinks she and...
As the third term of her second year in high school gets into full swing, Tomoko finds conversations blooming all around her! The days of awkward interactions with her classmates...