
Marginal Operation

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 01


Our hero Ryouta Arata is an otaku who's just lost his job after the dissolution of his company. Unwilling to return to his old NEET ways, he applies online to...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 02


With Arata's training camp now complete, he's sent off to his first official post as a PMSC employee. Determined to atone for the sins he unwittingly committed, he tackles his...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 03


Arata had come to accept the weight of his life-or-death decisions, but with his own life on the line for once, will he be able to keep his cool under...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 04


No Place Like Home... A year has passed since Arata took the child soldiers under his wing - after discovering they were on the receiving end of his orders. In...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 05


Chaos Hangs in the Air... Everything seems to be going wrong as Arata's client, the Japanese government, fumbles in their handling of the job's agreements. As conflict begins to heat...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 06


Foreign Shore Trouble... After leaving Japan, Arata ends up drifting to Thailand. His fame has continued to grow, and now there is no one in the mercenary world who hasn't...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 07


A Storm is Brewing... Having come to Thailand in the hopes of finding a way to support his children without forcing them onto the battlefield, Arata instead finds himself being...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 10


An ill-fated encounter…Driven insane by the loss of his daughter and the death of Hakim, Kishimoto turned on his coworker and killed him in cold blood. After this, he used...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 11


Pushing foreign borders... Arata finally makes the move against the Chinese army his sponsors have been waiting for. The effort goes well at first as he recaptures a series of...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 12


Old Paths Intertwine... As the Burmese army terrorizes the local population, Arata realizes he has to clean house before he can focus on the Chinese. His efforts to end his...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 13


Tensions flare amidst jungle warfare...The battle in Myanmar rages on fiercer than ever before. China has deployed their helicopters and drones, while Arata’s allies, the Burmese Army, turn out to...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 14


With the Chinese Army presenting an overwhelming difference in firepower to his own forces, Arata employs guerrilla tactics to successfully take out a key refueling base. However, this enrages the...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 15


Now that Arata has secured sponsor funds, he's ready to procure the anti-aircraft weapons he so desperately needs. But before that, he encounters some old friends--and enemies! Laying his grudges...

Marginal Operation (Manga) Vol. 16


The final push...Arata Ryouta, a former NEET, is now a world-famous mercenary who leads a platoon of child soldiers against the Chinese army. Despite only having 3,000 troops under his...

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