A spin-off manga to the Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation light novels, manga, and anime! Roxy’s life is a lonely one–out of all her tribe, she’s the only one without the power of...
MAGIC SCHOOL’S IN SESSION With her old teacher’s letter of introduction in hand, Roxy enrolls at the legendary Ranoa University of Magic. It’s a whole lot of firsts: Her first...
ELEMENTARY, MY DEAR ROXY! Now that she's all settled in at the Ranoa University of Magic, Roxy dives headfirst into her studies. When one of the library's tomes goes missing,...
TO UNRAVEL A CURSE After being falsely accused of stealing books from the University of Magic, Roxy used all her wit and skill to uncover the real culprit. Yet after...
A MAGIC FORBIDDEN TO DEMONSThe seasons have turned at the University of Magic, and the cold of winter sees Roxy shivering in her boots. Her old, trail-worn coat simply isn’t...
As her fifth year of study at the University of Magic begins, Roxy, Lanletta, and Fu part ways on their own separate paths. Now Roxy is apprenticed under Professor Genus...
A spin-off manga to the Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation light novels, manga, and anime!Roxy’s life is a lonely one–out of all her tribe, she’s the only one without the power of telepathy. Her...
TEACHER AND APPRENTICE, TOGETHER AT LASTAfter graduating from the Ranoa University of Magic, Roxy moves from one place to another in search of work. It’s not easy for a demon...
THE ORIGIN STORY OF RUDEUS'S SMALL-STATURED BUT BIG-HEARTED MAGIC TEACHER REACHES ITS HEARTFELT CONCLUSION!After years full of adventure and uncertainty, the days Roxy spent with the Greyrat family have healed...