When ferocious tiger creatures called the Beom invade the human world, wreaking havoc and killing indiscriminately, Zeha finds his seemingly normal life flipped upside down. How did he end up...
With his skills improving by leaps and bounds, as well as a growing circle of companions, Zeha feels like he’s settling nicely into the role of a Beom hunter. But...
As the team emerges battered but victorious from their fierce battle with Bulti, a surprise attack from another hunter puts Zeha in critical condition! Thankfully, the gunshot wound heals up...
In a time when the Shadow World has taken over and most of humanity is wiped out, a party of six heroes strives and fails to save the world… But...
With Pram and Romantica joining his party, Desir is ready to put his plan of advancing to Alpha class in motion. But not everyone is thrilled about the prospect of Beta students...
THE END OF THE WORLD BEGINS! Though the rest of his party may be ecstatic with their new titles as Single Rankers, Desir knows that at their current level, they...
A CLASS OF HER OWN The marchioness Shuri Von Neuschwanstein got the chance at a do-over for the last seven years of her life—and this time, she’s determined not to...
TRIAL BY FIRE The marchioness Shuri Von Neuschwanstein got the chance to redo the last seven years of her life, and managed to mend her broken relationship with her four...
TWISTED FATESBefore the marchioness Shuri Von Neuschwanstein was granted a redo of her last seven years, she was ambushed on her way to a new life on the morning of...
One eerie night, in an old, abandoned church, a girl accidentally breaks the seal of an ancient vampire who...starts following her around like a hyper little puppy! It may not...
The calm before the storm Singing in a band, working as a full-fledged shaman, and falling in love with her vampire―the old Naerim who desperately wished to be normal couldn’t...
Despite growing up together, these childhood friends have grown apart. The fan-favorite boys’ love manhwa turned K-drama comes to print for the first time.Seo Haebom was seven years old when...
Some people are reborn as villainesses and others as heroes…but Adriana has the severe misfortune of being reborn as the infant daughter of the tyrannical Emperor Caitel! But as the...
Adriana is cute enough to charm the most austere of men and can even talk and run. And if the lavish party thrown for her first birthday is any indication, life...
Princess Ria and her papa are finally getting closer, but when Praezia launches a surprise strike, Caitel is needed at the war frontlines! With Sylvia pregnant and a newfound playmate...
Princess Ria is on a mission! The objective: find out why Asisi is avoiding her. The beautiful knight distances himself every time she’s in his sight, but Ria is nothing...
Ria is safe and sound from her potential kidnappers thanks to Asisi’s swift rescue, but she’s left with more questions than ever about the Guardian Knight. What’s the story behind...
There’s never a dull moment for Princess Ria! With a father like Caitel, any situation can be flipped upside down in the blink of an eye. Playing with Perdel’s sons? Fun, but not when a...
Trouble is brewing at the palace! What starts as an innocent visit to the Winter Tree quickly sours when Ria accidentally runs into her half brother― the very person Caitel...
The full-color Boys’ Love webtoon hit inspired by ancient Egyptian mythology! (Hardcover Edition for Mature Audiences)Nine powerful gods of ancient Egypt are known as the Ennead. When the god of...